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¿Dónde has visto que vayan a nerfear al mago frost?
04/11/2018 04:47Publicado por Amatyst¿Dónde has visto que vayan a nerfear al mago frost?
Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area, dealing [ 114.4% of Spell Power ] Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 1.5 sec. Each time Blizzard deals damage, the cooldown of Frozen Orb is reduced by 0.5 sec. Mage - Frost Spec. Mage - Frost Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 8 sec cooldown.
Comet Storm Calls down a series of 7 icy comets on and around the target, that deals up to [ 315% [ 280% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies within 6 yds of its impacts. Frost Mage - Level 90 Talent. Frost Mage - Level 90 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
Frost Mage Decreases damage/healing by 24% 22%: Arcane Missiles, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost Decreases periodic damage/healing by 24% 22%: Arcane Missiles, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost Mage - Frost Spec. Mage - Frost Spec.
Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 51.1% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 15 8 sec. Mage - Frost Spec. Mage - Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to [ 346% [ 310% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frozen Orb are slowed by 50% for 15 30% for 3 sec. Mage - Frost Spec. Mage - Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 15 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.
Fuente mmo-champion