Para temas así es mejor invocar al experto @Azalar
los buhos se hacian con anima no?
y el anima viene de gente
es decir…
rhophy no solo esclaviza buhitos, tambien esclaviza restos de almas de personas fallecidas
No se como cabe tanta maldad en ese pequeño cuerpo
Los buhos son nativos de las SL como cualquier otro tipo de ser local…
Son unos seres que existen como esclavos de los kyrianos
Por favor que en la invitacion a la corte de ascuas para que venga la buhita hay que pedirle permiso a 3 personas, y no quiere venir como tal por no dejar sus obligaciones, le ordenan de ir, si no no va
A ver como explico como es la cosa realmente sin que lo saquen de contexto o lo malinterpreten a drede…
Ósea que mañana es el día de “Rophy, el de todos los santos”
Hay incluso una quest de una buhita que esta depresiva porque nadie le manda nada, necesitan servir para ser felices, pura mentalidad de esclavo
No podemos juzgar con nuestra mentalidad de mortal como funcionan las SL, además, no les veia tristes en general, podían descansar y se les animaban a ello.
Mira que me gustan los magos, pícaros y demás, pero siempre termino volviendo a una clase con placas. No me siento de la misma manera manejando otra clase; lo cual seguramente haga que nunca cambie de main.
Por cosas así los kyrianos me caen algo mal.
se les ordenaba descansar
Creo que menor el Buho Torbjon y el otro buho, el que es un fanatico del adalid (que roba cosas tocadas por nosotros) el resto si.
Aunque tambien te digo, hay muchas cavernas ocultas en bastion, con cachimbas, esterilllas y demas…
Asi que los buhos se escapan a darle a la yerba druidica…
Ademas, mi enano sigue vivito, es decir, sigue siendo un mortal por lo que no pertenece a esa curia.
Por cierto, los buhos de Bastion, son unos cafres tambien…
Alguno se acuerda de la quest del que queria volar?
Primero haces un genocidio de pajaros para conseguir plumas.
Luego te cargas a la matricarta de los larions para estudiar sus alas.
Luego exclavizan a porrocientas mariposas para que lo eleven…
No no, es que son una gran familia y tienen ganas de emprender
Además no recibían castigos físicos, la gente se queja por naderías
No reciben castigos, son semejantes.
Voy a poneros unos cuantos post de Scaleface de hace dias sobre todo lo que ha ido saliendo:
By sources: Nothing so far here. And I cannot confirm or deny. Screens we had with purple themes stuff are deleted since monday, and nothing new showed.
About screens You asking (with Avaloren and that “ogre/dwarf”:
Personally, I think these screenshots may be real. Writing about the fact that something has assets from previous expansions doesn’t make much sense in my opinion - because, as we all know, developers like to use and improve old models, so why not this time?
Similarly, the conversation about the fact that the font used in “AVALOREN” text has a certain glow and not another, or shadows etc… Well, it does, so what?
Just remember how the Dracthyr models were shown and many people ridiculed them that it was impossible for them to be real - and we all know how it ended
It may turn out that the screenshots we had were fake as I mentioned few posts before (all of them has been deleted in last monday) - and personally it’s sad for me, because I’m still believing in a “dark” themed expansion. I am not too good into lore, but as I know there is still a lot of material that can be used for additional expansions or patches like Undermine, Karesh. Undermine was in plans years ago.
Sobre las imagenes IA que puso en su twitter
As I wrote to few ppl before in private - all I have this time is just a pack of screens, nothing more (and based on the screens themselves there is no point in guessing like with DF where I had much more information).
It is too risky to upload them in higher quality, as they may be sent intentionally (they may be, for example, generated by AI) to target people who post information during the NDA. Also, as I also mentioned - don’t take it too seriously but: most of them have locations with purple skies and models that look very much like dreadlords.
That’s why this time I’m refraining from posting anything, even in the same form as in DF - although it was very funny when you discovered the next clues one by one I simply don’t have much information (only a handful of screenshots), and I don’t want to cause confusion.
Personally, without looking at any screenshots, I bet that the expansion may be focused on voids, because many things in the game would indicate this - but this is just my personal opinion. Before shadowlands, there were 4 things planned: shadowlands, dragons (dragonflight), light vs void (???) but also undergrounds.
In the case of the underground, it may also be different - because, as you yourself have noticed, there was mention of undermined somewhere, so Towellie’s recent posts may point towards this - but whether it will be added to the game as an add-on or as a patch - it’s hard to say.