If it is World Revamp and Blizz go with the route of merging zones together to make them larger to change terrain and accommodate dragon riding; how do we see the zones merging?
I think we could see:
Kalimdor :
Uldum, Silithus, Un’goro, Tanaris
Desolace, Feralas, Thousand Needles
Mulgore, The Barrens, Dustwallow
Durotar, Azshara
Ashenvale, Felwood, Stonetalon
Hyjal, Winterspring
Azuremyst, Bloodmyst
Darkshore and Teldrassil’s remains as an endgame zone.
Eastern Kingdoms :
Elwynn, Westfall, Redbridge
Duskwood, Deadwind
Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands
Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Badlands
Dun Morogh, Loch Modan,
Wetlands, Twilight Highlands
Arathi, Hillsbrad, Hinterlands
Gilneas, Silverpine
Tirisfal, WPL, EPL
Eversong, Ghostlands
Stranglethorn as an endgame zone.
Este tio de mmochampion me ha copiado la idea, exijo una satisfaccion