Aide à la traduction d'un addon

At first: Sorry, I totally don’t talk any word in french, so let me explain my topic in english:

I have written a World of Warcraft Addon with the name « LFGFilter » (available on Curseforge). Its purpose is to analyze public chat and add special colored tags for better recognition of lfg (looking for group) or lfm (looking for members) searches.
Though we finally got the lfg tool which helps us a lot, there is still much traffic in the « Looking for group » chat channel, where this addons helps me a lot. And perhaps this also applies to you?

Mostly, it searches for usual abbreviations of dungeons and raids to recognize which is wanted and to tag it appropriately. In english, for example, it recognizes « tok » or « ToK » and knows: this is « Ahn’Kahet The old Kingdom ». As I am german, I also added a complete list of common german abbreviations (including typical mistakes like « occulus » instead of « oculus »).

I would like to add more localizations and so I am here and asking you to help me for the french.
Would you like to answer here and enlist some dungeons you know and how you usually abbreviate its name(s) in WoW chat? Stage 2 could be also adding some typical french misspelling.

Merci d’avance.


Yea sure :

Culling of Stratholme : GT4, epuration, epu
Utgard Keep : keep, UK, DU
Utgard Pinnacle : Cime, CU
Ahn’Kahet : AK
Azjol-Nerub : Azjol
Gundrak : Gun
Drak Tharon : Drak
Nexus : Nexus
Occulus : Ocu/Occu
Halls of stone : SDP
Halls of Lightning : SDF
Purple Hold : FP

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