Je vois que tu débarques, pourtant j’avais l’impression de t’avoir déjà aperçu sur le forum aupavant, étrange
Bref, malheureusement mes topics détaillés ont été effacés avec l’ancien forum mais voici des résumés :
For any purpose, just suming up the linked thread above:
- The lore into the Classic gamebook - source :
“In due course, Arthas submerged Kel’Thuzad’s remains within the holy waters of the Sunwell. Although the potent waters of Eternity were fouled by this act, Kel’Thuzad was reborn as a sorcerous lich.”
Displays of golden-white Light according to in-game material
- Screenshots of Warcraft III sprites - source:
- Content of WoW : Fury Of The Sunwell patch trailer - source:
- Current content of WoW : legacy armor quest displaying the sunwell of that time - source (spoiler):
Displays of golden-white Light according to out-of-game material
- artwork in Chronicles tome 1 (pp.110-111 in the french version) (looking like exactly how Shattrath displays it, aka the City of Light) - Source:
The story telling that “something” was broken after Kel’thuzad profanation.
- and it was not its arcanic power, since Kael’thas had yet to destroy the well in order to avoid his people to be infused by the profanation , thus the arcane flow was still efficient at that point. However, a profanation against a holy place, like a DK to a paladin tomb, displays this kind of reaction.
The story telling that Velen had to reignite the Sunwell - as it was - even if it means a little different, of course.
Prophet Velen says: “In time, the light and hope held within - will rebirth more than this mere fount of power… Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation ”
- (debatable - many different interpretations of these lines ofc)
Many lore texts in flavour descriptions
- the Vial of the Sunwell (that dropped before the rebirth of the Sunwell) and its mechanics - source:
- Items and quest in the Ghostlands, the stone of light , and the fact it is imbued with a magic energy of the Sunwell - source:
“According to this journal, Dar’Khan promised the Scourge two powerful elven artifacts: the stone of light and the stone of flame. These were imbued with the magical energies of the Sunwell and attuned to have warding powers against the Scourge.”
- source :
Golden eyes that are mistakenly presented as a “new feature” among the Thalassian “thanks to” the “new” holy well, in fact are older than WoW.
- Fact checking on Warcraft 3 icons:
- Here too: