Le DK givre impossible ?

Hey , je monte un DK ( 115 a l’heure ou je fait se post) et je me pose une question quel spé prendre vous aller me dire selon mes gout bah le soucis c’est que j’aime givre … et bah je sais si c’est moi ou si la spé a des soucis mais j’ai du mal a survivre au dela de 3 mob sur moi… et spé tank pas de soucis mais je pref la jouer en dj et j’aime pas du tout la spé impie donc voila je viens vers vous les DK de longue date pour vous poser une question ? la spé givre est telle viable et si oui quel talent , quel cycle et quel stats a avoir car si le soucis viens non de la spé mais de moi bah le soucis sera plus simple a regler avec de bon conseil ^^ merci mes amis de la non mort

Alors, d’autres me corrigeront si je me trompes :

Talents :

  • Cœur gelé
  • Atténuation runique ou Cor de l’hiver (Cor mieux pour faire durer le souffle plus longtemps en ce moment)
  • Asphixier
  • N’importe mais givre permanent je trouve plus sympa
  • Wyvern
  • Souffle de Sindragosa

Stats : Maitrise > Critique > Polyvalence > Hâte

Les rotations (Je laisse Icy Veins expliquer ou quelqu’un d’autre qui connait mieux que moi) :

  1. Single Target Rotation for Frost Death Knights

The single target rotation is based on the following priority.

Use Chains of Ice , if you have 20 stacks (try to use at the end of Pillar of Frost  when the strength bonus is at the highest — if you have 3 Icy Citadel  traits, save Chains of Ice for after Pillar of Frost).
Use Frostwyrm's Fury  at the end of Pillar of Frost  and after Chains of Ice , or after Pillar of Frost and during Icy Citadel if you have 3 Icy Citadel traits.
Use Remorseless Winter , if using Gathering Storm .
Use Howling Blast , only if you have a Rime proc.
Use Obliterate , if you have 4 or more Runes.
Use Frost Strike , if you have 90+ Runic Power.
Use Obliterate , if you have a Killing Machine proc.
Use Frost Strike , if you have 70+ Runic Power.
Use Obliterate .
Use Frost Strike .
  1. Multiple Target Rotation for Frost Death Knights

If you are using Glacial Advance then use it off cooldown. If you are using Frostwyrm’s Fury then it is recommended that you synergize with Pillar of Frost and as many targets as possible.

The multiple target rotation is as follows.

Use Howling Blast , only if you have a Rime  proc.
Use Frost Strike , if you have 90+ Runic Power.
Use Frostscythe , if you have a Killing Machine  proc.
Use Remorseless Winter  on cooldown.
Use Frostscythe .
Use Frost Strike , if you have 70+ Runic Power.
  1. Breath of Sindragosa

Breath of Sindragosa is a unique cooldown that offers a completely different playstyle from the other tier 7 talents. You may experience a significant amount of downtime outside of your Breath of Sindragosa windows, which is completely normal. Currently you will experience an average duration of 20 seconds without Heroism / Bloodlust , and about 24-26 seconds with Heroism/ Bloodlust. There are outliers where you do not get sufficient Runic Empowerment procs, Frost Fever procs or get a mechanic that causes you to go out of melee.

With the new version of Pillar of Frost being a 45-second cooldown, this means that it does not line up well with Breath of Sindragosa and Empower Rune Weapon. It is recommended that you keep using Pillar of Frost off cooldown and hold your second Breath of Sindragosa and Empower Rune Weapon 15 seconds until Pillar of Frost comes off cooldown.
3.1. Opener for Breath of Sindragosa

Use Obliterate  (use Howling Blast  if you get a Rime  proc).
Use Obliterate  (use Howling Blast if you get a Rime proc).
Use Obliterate  (use Howling Blast  if you get a Rime  proc).
Wait until you have at least 3 Runes ready.
Use Empower Rune Weapon .
Use Pillar of Frost .
Use Breath of Sindragosa.
Follow the "rotation during Breath of Sindragosa priority" (below).

3.2. Rotation During Breath of Sindragosa

Use Remorseless Winter  on cooldown (for Gathering Storm , if you have taken this talent).
Use Howling Blast , only if you have a Rime  proc or Frost Fever is about to drop.
Use Obliterate with a Killing Machine  proc.
Use Obliterate.
Use Horn of Winter, if you are using this talent and are low on both resources.
Use Arcane Torrent if you are a Blood Elf.

Anti-Magic Shell is a defensive ability that can be used offensively to generate Runic Power. For example: on a fight like Vectis, if you have the Omega Vector on you you can Anti-Magic Shell while it is ticking on you in order to gain Runic Power. This can be used to extend the duration of Breath of Sindragosa. Make sure that the ability you are using Anti-Magic Shell on is magic damage.
4. Obliteration

Obliteration only changes your rotation when you cast Pillar of Frost . The playstyle of Obliteration is very similar to what it was in Legion.
4.1. Rotation During Pillar of Frost

Use Remorseless Winter if using Gathering Storm , also try to use this before casting Pillar of Frost.
Use Obliterate if you have a Killing Machine proc.
Use Frost Strike if you do not have a Rime  proc or if you are going to cap Runic Power.
Use Howling Blast if you have a Rime proc or if Frost Fever is about to drop.
Use Frost Strike if you do not have a Killing Machine proc.
Use Obliterate if you do not have enough Runic Power to use Frost Strike and do not have a Killing Machine proc.

Après bon on va dire que la spé givre niveau survie est pas dégueulasse non plus même si l’impie est mieux. Mais niveau DPS c’est vraiment devenu à chier en PVP ou PVE, l’impie est un peu au dessus en PVE mais est assez bon en PVP. Donc pour du givre je dirai qu’en MM pour les AOE ce sera hyper cool, mais après pour ce qui est du mono en MM/Raid t’attend pas à faire des miracles. Pour moi la seule spé viable pour DK en ce moment c’est la spé Tank en sang.

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