Lotus price on Anniversary realms

Pls do something about the Black Lotus price on Classic Anniversary Realms
250g /each today, it makes the game really painful.

Without Gbid and without Golds Buying, tel me how you can do Raid flasked every weeks ?

10 rogues afk on each Black Lotus spot in every zones.

12 mentions « J’aime »

You’re absolutely right—it’s getting ridiculous.

Black Lotus prices are out of control, and it’s making flasking for raids way too expensive for regular players. The botting and camping by rogue squads are making it nearly impossible to farm them legitimately. Blizzard really needs to step in and either increase spawn rates, introduce alternative sources, or implement a better system to curb monopolization.

Classic should be fun, not an economy simulator where only gold buyers can afford to raid flasked every week. Hopefully, they address this soon! :muscle:

4 mentions « J’aime »

Right, it’s running out of control

1 mention « J’aime »

Will be soon impossible to flask doing 1,2 or 3 raids every week under flask with theses prices

3 mentions « J’aime »

The point to delete gbid was this and finally it’s worse than ever. You can bring back gbid if you are doing this. People are quitting the game because of the consumables price. Do something.

bots are farming lotuses sold to players buying gold because they don’t have time to play the game/against the bots… Can’t blizzard see and understand there is something very wrong with the #nochange
easy to ban players struggling to get some gold to maintain the stupid cost of raiding but to fight bots OR offer alternative solution(s), Blizzard is ghosting us…
ps: I have an insane amount of time to play and this doesn’t impact me directly, but I don’t want to see my friends/guildies leaving because they can’t afford the time or the illegal spendings on this game

2 mentions « J’aime »