Montures Tauren

Pourquoi ? Y a des taurens qui jouent autre chose que Druide ?

Ma chasseresse te regarde mechamment è.é

Les taurènes guerrières sont tellement belle :heart:

Ha voilà pourquoi elle est toujours dans la catégorie de monture obtenable…
Je me rappelle même pas si j’ai joué durant cette période. Mais bon… je jouais pas côté horde à l’époque. :frowning:

J’ai fini par detester les taurens druide! Tellement j’en vois à tout les coin de rue.

La moto orque on pouvait l’(avoir avec un tour de force au pré-patch WoD je crois, avec l’invasion horde de fer il me semble, j’ai l’ai eu là en tout ça. Mais je ne sais plus les pré-requis. Par contre si on achète la moto alliance, ça ne donne pas celle horde, evidement.

On peut jouer autre chose que Druide ???

regarde le druide d’un oeil mauvais

La base du tauren c’est les éléments (la terre mère) et la chasse, le druidisme je laisse ça au elfes. Le druidisme c’est tellement un truc de tauren qu’ils ont eu besoin des elfes pour l’apprendre. C’est une base elfique, pas tauren. Du coup on a des taurens elfisé.

C’est surtout que c’est bon avec une bonne sauce samourai !

1 mention « J’aime »

C’est cénarius qui a appris le druidisme aux tauren. et il me semble qu’il leur a appris avant de croiser Malf.

Non Canarius a appris le druidisme au yaungols, bien avant les elfes, quand les taurens n’existaient pas encore. Mais ils ont fini par abandonné le druidisme avec le temps. Cenarius a abandonné les yaungols aussi, il les trouvait trop pacifiste, un truc du genre. C’est des siècle plus tard, juste après la guerre d’Hyjal que Malfurion a appris le druidisme à Hamuul et les autres. Je crois aussi que les druides tauren sont ceux qui étaient marcheur des esprit avant.

Le wiki en (plus précis et fiable que le fr) précise bien que les tauren ont appris le druidisme de Cénarius

" They live to serve nature and maintain the ever delicate balance between the wild things of the land and the restless spirits of the elements. In addition, druidism, which was taught by Cenarius and eventually forgotten over time, has been recently reincorporated into tauren society, further highlighting their devotion to nature. In particular the presence of accounts regarding Cenarius before he was known to the elves are confirmed by others sources as being accurate. In particular, the birth of Cenarius is covered and their version confirmed by night elven mythos, as well as in the book The Sundering by Richard A. Knaak."

Il doit pas être à jour le post, parcequ’avec Chr. c’est plus du tout ça.

Faudrait vraiment qu’un jour j’investisse dans ces bouquins -_- mais j’ai tellement peur qu’ils les retcons aussi…

Il y a pas un druide Tauren qui est encore plus vieux que Malfurion dans Wow ?

Je me rappelle plus du tout qui c’est mais Il me semble qu’on peut le trouver soit en Norfendre ou a Mulgore

On sait pas s’il est druide je crois, mais il est immortel car béni par Nozdormu. Et non il est pas à Mulgore, mais en NF, au pics foudroyé.

The tauren are the descendants of a bovine race known as the yaungol. Several millennia before the First War, the yaungol roamed central Kalimdorand lived in peace with the demigod Cenarius, but were eventually driven south due to not wanting to share hunting grounds with the trolls. There, the yaungol were enslaved by the mogu empire and twisted by the mogu flesh-shapers. Though they eventually regained their freedom along with the other slave races during the pandaren revolution, much of their ancient cultural heritage had been lost. Heated arguments led many yaungol to migrate back north. While one group traveled as far north as the Storm Peaks, where they took up the name taunka, the other group settled in the balmy areas surrounding the Well of Eternity. There, they reunited with Cenarius and rediscovered their ancient traditions. Those who studied with Cenarius learned the druidic magic of the natural world, while others mastered the art of wielding shamanic powers. The energies of the Well soon began to change these yaungol into a new race, who would later take up the name « tauren ». The taunka, tauren, and yaungol retained some contact with one another for many years, but the Great Sundering finally shattered the connections between the tribes.
[World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 , pg. 90]]


The earliest history of the tauren is recorded in a series of myths. These chronicle the period of time from the creation of the world to the appearance of the centaur, speaking of the creation of the tauren by the Earthmother, their meeting with Cenarius, and the coming of the centaur.

Due to night elven influence, tauren druids long revered only Mu’sha, as Mu’sha is considered to be the tauren equivalent of the kaldorei moon goddess, Elune. During the War against the Lich King, the warrior Aponi Brightmane engaged in a theological discussion about this matter with Tahu Sagewind. Aponi pointed out that in all else, the tauren strived for balance, and she wondered if they had neglected a key aspect of balance in all things. As a result of these discussions, following the Cataclysm, the Sunwalkers, an order of tauren paladins, arose, wielding the power of the Light through An’she.

Besides the Earthmother and her two eyes, an entity known as the Sky Father is also worshipped.

  • The tauren are a simple people, and as a result, their rites tend to not be particularly complex. They have no need for elaborate words or rare items in their ceremonies. What the good earth provides is almost always sufficient.
  • Corn pollen is used in ceremonies that involve life, whereas the dust from cremated tauren is used in rituals of the dead.
  • The tauren believe that the Earth Mother weaves the strands of fate.
  • Darkness is not considered evil by the tauren, for it is a naturally occurring thing, and therefore right.
  • Believed to be the ill omen of a coming age, white tauren are held in near reverence by their people, often becoming reclusive priests who wander the land in search of kindred spirits.
  • Tauren legends abound regarding the great horned kodos of Kalimdor’s Barrens. Some myths tell of rare kodos that are bound to the spirits of the sky and storm, thus allowing the colossal beasts to harness the powers of lightning itself.
  • Shu’halo ancient myth tells of three powerful artifacts — [The Rattle of Bones], [The Drums of War] and [The Writ of History]. If the tales are to be believed, they were gifts from the Earth Mother herself.
  • The tauren chieftains hold such sacred bonds with their Earthmother that they can actually be reincarnated after they die in combat. Though this ability is very rare, it makes the wise, benevolent chieftains a dangerous foe to threaten.

les tauren ont pas une vie si longue. ce serait étonnant. si t’as un peu plus de détail je suis preneur ^^


C’est un dragonsworn, en gros un mortel servant un dragon, Xarantaur est rendu immortel par Nozdormu.

1 mention « J’aime »

Merci !! et un pnj ajouté a ma liste un !
j’adore ce genre de détail !

donc ca confirme que les taurens ont appris le druidisme avant les edn (enfin avant Malf en tous cas :p)

Pas ceux qu’on joue, ceux de la horde. Eux ils ont appris avec Malfurion. Et les taurens sont moins anciens que les elfes. Ils existent pas avant maxi 12.000 ans, date ou y’avait deja l’empire elfique.