Poutch macro : summoning poutchs in sequence

Hey everyone,

I’m using Bartender4 options to show some bars only in combat.
When I want to rearrange my buttons. I have to get my character in combat for several minutes without killing my target or getting killed myself… Training dummies toys are the perfect tool but they only stay for 5 minutes and have 1 hour cool down!

That’s why I developed a macro which cast those different toys one after another by pressing a button multiple times. Thus, I can summon those one by one or all at once :

/castsequence reset=3600 Turnip Punching Bag, Rubbery Fish Head, Tuskarr Training Dummy, Black Dragon's Challenge Dummy

It seems to work well but sometimes I can only throw the first one. Then, the macro kinda block and a few seconds later the countdown of 1 hour start despite all other dummy toys are still usable (I can use them by click on toy box)

I also tried to use item id version instead but I encounter the same issue :
/castsequence reset=3600 item:201933, item:199896, item:199830, item:88375

What am I missing ?

This is my first post ever so I beg your pardon if I did it wrong

Thanks y’all !