It has been a while now i have been thinking of writing this, the state of the game is without a doubt terrible, many are at fault and for starters it is us the players that never conveyed our feelings to the devs who never really heard us; i believe it is time to do something. Needless to say i am writing this cause i love the game, i have been playing since beta with another account and i have fallen in love, now i find myself still playing with my self for a few games than getting bored and getting bored playing a game is really unacceptable. I have been thinking a lot as i said earlier for ways to improve the game (which is something us players that actually play can do best and in my opinion it is even our duty but i digress) and i reached sonething that i wished to share with you (other players) and hear what you think. Enough talking lets get to the point: at first i tried to see what the main problem of the game is and i think it is not only balance issues present in every other moba but skill ceiling and matchmaking. So how do we tackle those problems? My idea is like this: what if we add an item shop and last hitting minions, killing heroes and destroy turrets the way to get the gold to get said items on top of choosing talents? It will require work indeed but not only will the best players be able to carry a game, we will also not lose the important objective mechanic, the importance of teamfights but will add another skill ceiling so that more experienced players wont get bored and always find ways to improve their game, on top of that we will add another layer strategy in there too, and communicating with your team will become key. This is just a scrap idea and i want to know what you guys think. The other problem is matchmaking: too many times we get matched aganist a team that completely counters ours and playing aganist that is no fun, a solution would be having a semi-draft with your team only like in normal matches on league of legends; you only see your team draft so you can choose accordingly, it wont become like an unranked match but a fairer quick match. So i cant wait to hear what you guys have to say, and what are your toughts. Sorry for my bad english it is not my native language, hope you understand. Have a good day