Hello I’m a new player, just made my demon hunter lvl 17 and wanted to level in legion timeline. So I talked with Chrome and selected Legion timeline and got quest " Legion: Onward to Adventure in the Broken Isles" which told me to get to Dalaran, but every portal that quest told me should get me there, ether got me to Dalaran in Northrend or wasn’t there to begin with. Friend told me to try portal to Ashuna but couldn’t click on it. Then my mage friend made portal to New Dalaran for me and finally made it there and quest was completed, but now I’m in Dalaran with not knowing what to do, no new quest showed up. I was told to walk around for some npc to show up that starts class holl campaine but so far nothing. I’m stuck and would appreciate some help.
Próbowałeś rozmawiać z tym NPC?