Dont destroy diablo blizzard

things you shud never add from diablo3 to diablo4
1 wings junk loke like som joke and cosplay in game no point got them cent fly not add them add beter shodler whit som decobe beter
2 add more summoner diablo2 10 szkielets woriros diablo3 just 3 so i asume diablo4 be arund 4 right 10-3 7-3 =4 in diablo4 add more new game shud over run old game and i mean diablo2 d4 shud got 20 szkeilet wolf druid 6 and shape shift like diablo2
3 companions to be whit you when you team up whit frend like diablo2 not like diablo3
4 ghost skin minions socores hydra necor skielets druid wolfs to be not to see like diablo3 ho all hate shud be like diablo2 ho all love
4 more dialogs add decard cain books to find and lisend to me in all diablo in diablo4 lorat cen make notes abut new demons ho show up blizzard sue mind not elss ar beter develoepr ho tell it you shud go to him and tell then your payment less beter right for telling less ar beter skielets for necro i wud kick him out of team same the asiat dude ho tell you got phones so fine you cen play diablo imortall so cool right omg phone games not pc any more like true gamer and true diablo fan and all rewords from buy big copy diablo4 go to randome games wow ho mising voice dialogs and classgo cut into mini class insted use full class liek wow shud and voice to main avatar you play like normal game you made avatars like gta5 and red 2relalyy wow this why star wars old rpeublick sitl got players vocie dialogs ho shud be in diablo games and wow and not add junk like cent see miniuons comapniosn leave when you team wing dem i hate it and elss minions ar beter you add all this player hate in diablo3 import it into diablo4 blizzard realyy you copy all hate form diablo3 to new diablo whot the 7 hells???

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