Mam problem z losową zmianą targetu podczas walki. Nie ma znaczenia, friendly target czy enemy target. Zawsze używałem addonu, ale przestał działać w patchu 11.1.
Addon, którego używałem, nazywał się Suppress Right Click, a to jego opis:
Suppress Right Click
When the right mouse button is bound to “mouse look,” you may accidentally change your target during combat. This happens when you hold down the right mouse button to adjust the camera and player direction while (accidentally) hovering over a minor mob. If you don’t move the mouse enough, WoW treats it as if you had simply right-clicked the mob.
I first noticed this issue while tanking, but I assume it affects melee DPS players as well. Most people I spoke to didn’t seem aware of the problem—I suppose it depends on individual playstyle and habits.
Anyway, if you’re losing your target seemingly at random, this addon may help.
During combat:
• The addon suppresses any single right-clicks without disabling mouse look.
• If you need to interact with an in-world element or start auto-attacks, perform a double right-click instead of a single one.
Outside of combat:
• Single right-clicks work as usual for interacting with NPCs, looting, and starting auto-attacks.
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