This gone runing wow need fix

ask em class limite be beter then add it to all races why the game get bored all play one race and get all class for it and game keep same skils stats of skils for all races ho arent oky goblins shud be more worriors rougers hunter tinkers then mags shamans they dont got magic pwoer if they wud got they dont build crazy stuf to tnt enemys up gnom got mana dwarfs not to big so this why they go paladyns holy arent mana he ask me develoeprs ho tell all class for all race ar same smart as imortal dude ho tell you got phone so its finee and dude ho set action house at diablo3 class shud be limite per race taurens rougers o pliss he and draneyr cent be rouger 1 both got hoof make tons sound when moving so they shud breake of hide mode all time they move and secend taurens ar most heavy race in game so see them jump like blood elf or night elf ar silly horde for ever be more for shamans and alliance prist undead shud die from holy magic but som develoepr forget this fact and whay this new races loke and act like re color they got same aniamtions same move like old ones void -night elfs - orcs and this new tettacle elfs hiars ar re color blood elfs both got same aniamtions moving and fight change animatiosn change bit body add more costumize for goblins undead wargens o and wargens need get add tail body ho stend on tips of feet shud got tail to balance its werewolf hso shud be tail to wolf form right and its funy see pandas both faction they shud do gloobal volt to be horde or alliance same the dragons cent be both side rimeber one if races shere to many same class gone end like apb reldoed city of villens city of heros races shdu got very limite races so player play more races and som ar beter as wooriors and atehr at mags or warlock and atehr get huge nerf for mana do it and players stop run to classic wow this all races all class gone kill wow its stupit and silly seams sugestion from total green developer ho never win any events for story and never do noting own poor minds.

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