Cześć. Chciałbym przedstawić swoją listę zmian o których myślałem już od bardzo długiego czasu. Wotlk jest jednym z najlepszych dodatków do WoW dlatego też bardzo duże społeczności mają go “ogranego”, wprowadzenie zmian pomogłoby ulepszyć grę i odświeżyć trochę już zaklepaną “metę”. Zmiany podzieliłem na: Ogólne:
Triple talent specialization
No addons in rated arena and heroic raids
Oraz specyficzne dla konkretnych klas postaci. przykład:
Cloak of shadows powinien dawać 100% szasny na uniknięcie czaru, a nie jak to jest teraz 90%.
Hello. I’m writing this post as a passionate WoW player and i really think that WOTLK CLASSIC desperately needs some changes. Keeping one of the best expansions up to date will improve its longevity and refresh the gameplay. My ideas are divided into: General changes: 1. Triple talent specialization
Dual talent specialization is a great feature and a big step forward from TBC to WotLK. However any serious PVE player will have 2 PVE specs and anytime they will want to try PVP respec should be made. The same goes with PVP players, lets say 1 spec for arena and the other one for battlegrounds so respec is needed to go for a raid.
Respecs cost gold and some would say it will drive the economy, but implementing triple talent specialization would do the same. Dual spec - 1k gold,
Triple spec - 5k gold. Everyone will want it and making gold to spend on it will drive the economy as well as solve the problem of multiple specs needed. I really think that 3 is the sweet spot.
2. Transmogrification.
Even though transmogrification was implemented in Cataclysm, the game nowadays feels kind of odd without it for previous expansions.
It is the feature that just feels right to be added to WotLK. The rules should be:
You have to own the item with specific appearance
Weapons and armor could be transmogable only to its kind. e.g. Two handed mace into two handed mace only, cloth to cloth only etc. This is to prevent appearance abuse, like two handed weapon into one handed and then you never know if warrior can use spell reflection or shield wall.
some ingame currency like honor or gold should be used to make transmogs.
This will make game more attractive and give additional purpose (besides achievements) to do low level content like Vanilla or TBC raids.
3. No addons in rated arena and heroic raids
There should be in-game tool that would disable addons when entering rated arena or heroic raid. There are addons that are actually giving players unfair advantage and making game more scripted. Human error is part of the game and addons are taking this part away by for example literally saying out loud names of abilities that enemies used in a pvp scenario.
Removing addons from the competitive parts of the game will reward general
and specific understanding of the game in pvp and pve.
Also some specific class changes. I will give one example Rogue Cloak of shadows should give 100% chance to avoid spells
Reason - the RNG factor from the current stage of this skill (90%) should be removed. No one is expecting to land a spell on a rogue with cloak active, and when it happens it is surprise to both sides.
I have made a tweet about all this long time ago, please consider checking for more details:
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