Wreszcie mogę pograć najsilniejszą klasą - “Szamanem” :))) Dzisiejsze wyniki: z Łotrem 0:3, z Łowcą 0:4, z Magiem 2:5, z Paladynem 1:4, z Rycerzem Śmierci 2:4, z Wojownikiem 0:1. Się nie zapłaciło ani grosza, to się nie ma “szczęścia”. Jeżeli nie chcecie mieć “odpowiedniego” doboru przeciwnika i “odpowiedniego” rozdania, to musicie Moi Drodzy płacić; za “szczęście” się płaci, a pamiętajcie, że KAŻDA firma szanująca zasady biznesowe lubi i docenia tych, na których może zarobić - którzy z radości za kolejne “sukcesy”, nakręceni “swoimi niezwykłymi umiejętnościami” będą chętnie inwestować w swoje kolejne osiągnięcia. Pozdrawiam, szczególnie niepłacących “złych klientów” :)))
My path to the legendary rank!
Hello everyone, friends!
The path to the legendary rank or my move to the legendary rank was very long, that is, the last time I knocked out the legendary rank was definitely before February 24, 2022, and most likely this action was successful in 2021, when I last flew to the legendary.
Obviously, after February 24, 2022, I had a negative attitude towards the Blizzard company for a long time. No, it was not an insult or some kind of claim against the Blizzard employees, this whole tragic, sad and sad situation developed at that particular moment in time. I found the strength in myself and forgave Blizzard. Once upon a time in 2014, Blizzard, without realizing it, helped me a lot. Their help was invaluable. At that moment in time, it seemed to me that this would be the right decision. Blizzard once helped me a lot in one matter and I decided not to be principled and forgive the sinner mother Blizzard. Return to the Hearthstone.
Here fate played a cruel joke on me. When I returned in 2023, I decided to take the legendary rank for the paladin class. My favorite class. It was a matter of honor and principles. “Justice must be restored”, but there was one problem with the paladin and it was that the paladin playing cards looked very weak at the level of other classes.
The paladin was good and could easily pass to the 5th diamond rank, but after rising to the 5th diamond rank, he was subjected to greater destruction and annihilation due to the weak class playing cards of the paladin, and it was not possible to replace the legendary class cards of the paladin with anything, since neutral legendary cards did not affect the process of games with weak class playing cards of the paladin. I wasted two months and still couldn’t find the key to get the legendary rank on the paladin, and then I started thinking about the paladin in a bad light, so that you would disappear forever, vile and disgusting paladin, so that I would never see you again and began to hate the paladin class and all the players who played for the paladin class. I decided that I would destroy all the paladins in my path with particular cruelty and chose the “Dark Side of the Force”.
After some time, I collected a warrior deck, which is closed on the legendary playing card “miner Brann 2/4”, which still plays great in the standard mode. Yes, but too late I noticed the problem of the warrior and it was that the warrior as a class dominated. A huge number of Hearthstone players collected a warrior deck, an updated warrior with the legendary card “Brann the Miner”. The problem with the warrior was that it was necessary to play too long games according to the timing. 20 minutes. 30 minutes. I physically did not have enough time in some games that lasted too long. Clients. Business. The warrior did not need to be collected, but the understanding came too late, a couple of months wasted in vain. The goal was not achieved. The legendary rank was not conquered, and then the motivation was gone. There was no longer any desire to collect anything there. To search. To think.
True evil. The search for an idea was underway. My choice stopped at the warlock class. After some time, my new choice occurred. I chose the “Dark side of the force” “Dark path of power”.
I always liked the warlock because you do not need to put extra playing cards in the Hearthstone deck to draw other playing cards. This was undoubtedly pleasing. At least it removed one of the important problems.
The “Dark side of the force” of the warlock influenced me with its power. “Dark path of power”. You can always get an extra playing card, every turn you can draw an extra playing card through the drawer, and the next turn you can draw an extra playing card through the drawer again. At some points, it just drove me crazy. All this impunity. The power of the “Dark Side of the Force” in me strengthened and began to grow and this brought results.
The power of the “Dark Side of the Force” of the warlock led me to the fact that I managed to ram the legendary rank. I assembled my deck myself. This is very important. I did not use codes for decks from other sites. I did not go to any other sites where you can look at decks. I assembled my warlock deck myself, based on my understanding and my idea of the warlock class, but then the magic of the playing cards of the Hearthstone happened. The “Dark Side of the Force” of the warlock completely penetrated me and took possession of me.
Friends, let’s sum it up briefly.
“Dark Side of the Force”! “The Dark Power of the Force” of the Warlock!
It has taken over me completely!
It has taken over my thoughts!
The Warlock has become the class that I find comfortable and enjoyable to play. You don’t need to spend 40 minutes or more on one game like a warrior.
Feel, my friend, the “Dark Side of the Force”! “The Dark Power of the Force” of the Warlock and boldly go to the legendary rank!
Thank you Blizzard for good playing cards in the current Hearthstone meta!
Thank you to the entire Blizzard team, who created these wonderful neutral and class cards for Warlock.
Lots of laughter!
A sea of fun!
An ocean of hype!
A lot of good mood!
Well, friends, this is the story we have with Warlock! Warlock, as always, pleasantly surprised!
See you again, friends!
I love you all so much!
North Wind was with you!
Objective assessment!!!
For me, it is already an incredible achievement that I managed to get to the Highest level of the legendary rank.
- You must do your job well;
- You cannot play some matches to the end, since this is not possible during working hours;
- In your free minutes, manage to break through to the diamond rank;
- Do the impossible and fly to the legendary rank!
- For me, this is more of an achievement and a great joy!
- I am glad that my path and rise to the legendary rank lasted two years;
- Friends, it did not take me that long to get to the legendary rank, only two years
I am happy with my result!
Dzień dobry gracze HS-a
Chętnie podziele się swoimi spostrzeżeniami.
Nie wiem czy zdobycie rangi Legendarnej to kwestia zakupu kart czy też nie , można je kupić też za golda i uzyskać z pyłu jak wiemy więc uzbierać taką czy inną talię z czasem może każdy - ale nie o kartach.
Legenda - gdyby zdobycie najwyższej rangi było by zbyt proste ( bo możliwe jest ) to gra straciła by zainteresowanie wielu osób które cenią sobie rywalizację i stała by się nudna.
Pierwszy raz zdobyłem Legendę w grudniu 2024 po jak to nazywam “przemarszu Legend” tj 15-tego. Wyjaśniając - mam taką teorię - od początku miesiąca jak wszyscy topowi gracze walczą o najwyższe miejsca - nie tylko wbicie Legendy ale miejsca już w samej tej randze to ten czas określam jako “przemarsz Legend”
Jestem amatorem więc liczę się z tym że na początku miesiąca jest trudniej wygrać i zdobyć upragnioną rangę.
Gram dla zabawy co nie wyklucza tego że chcę zdobyć Legende. Jak mam czas to zagram kilka spotkań a jak nie mam czasu to zadania z kilku dni się uzbierają.
Moja ulubiona klasa to Paladyn i to nim zdobyłem Legendę, nie mniej jednak po drodze grałem różnymi klasami i deckami bo Paladyn zatrzymał się i taaaaaaaaa
Od Diamentu 5 nie jest prostą drogą bo tam już nie ma bonusów i trzeba się napocić żeby przez to przejść .
Sama talia nie wygrywa spotkania o czym musiałem się przekonać podczas wielu walk.
Jak mi nie idzie i obrywam 0:8 / prowadzę sobie nieraz statystyki / to też się doszukuje tego czy owego - to nic innego jak losowość moim skromnym zdaniem.
Przykład losowości z YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPt3cJpB1XI to pokazuje że nie zawsze dostajemy to czego oczekujemy
Pozdro 4all - wielu wygranych !!! Nie przejmujcie się porażkami tylko wyciągajcie z nich wnioski - wiele cennych porad znajdziecie na YT - mnie pomogły