19 marca cały świat powitał pierwszy dodatek z roku pegaza nie dawno była mini seria a ponieważ 19 czerwca mija już 4 miesiąc od wydania pierwszego dodatku po raz już zastanowić się nad drugim dodatkiem z roku pegaza.
Dla przypomnienia napiszę jak w popzednich latach blizzard ogłaszał drugi
Rok Wilka
Sierpień 2023
Rok Hydry
Sierpień 2022
Mordestwo w Twierdzy Nathria
Rok Gryfa
Sierpień 2021
Zjednoczeni w Wichrogrodzie
Rok Feniksa
Sierpień 2020
Rok Smoka
Sierpień 2019
Wybawcy Uldum
Rok Pegaza
Marzec 2024
Majsternia Świstomiga
Lipiec 2024
Drugie dlc???
Zapraszam do dyskusji
Or are you also engaged in racism and Russophobia here on the forum like your friend in another topic?
I haven’t studied much of western Ukraine, but … will help us!
So let’s look into the details, what do the Poles and Poland want to get from Ukraine?
The territory of the ethnically Polish historical regions of Eastern Galicia (Galicia), Western Volyn, which currently makes up the Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn and Rivne regions of Ukraine, after the First World War became the object of territorial claims of the Polish Republic, proclaimed as a result of the collapse of the Russian and Austro -Hungarian Empire.
Here is the answer from the Poles: what does Poland want to get from Ukraine?
Everything is simple and clear…!!!
Polish imperialism in action

I’ll add it myself!
Why did the war start in Ukraine on February 24, 2022?
Let us remember the events in Ukraine that took place in the winter of 2014. Revolution, rebellion, overthrow of the legitimate government with money from the EU and the USA, when European fascists came to power in Ukraine.
This entire European or American operation in Ukraine was planned long before 2014. I read that in the depths of the secret intelligence services of the USA and the EU, the “Ukrainian Operation” was being prepared or began to be developed in 2000, that is, 14 years before the start of the main events. You can find all this in any search engine.
All this was done very beautifully by the Americans and Europeans. This whole brilliant multi-way game, which has already lasted for more than 20 years… Since the 2000s…
The most important idea of the “Ukrainian Operation” was to bring fascists to power in Ukraine, who must fulfill the main task. Dismember and destroy Ukraine.
A huge piece, and this is western Ukraine. My assumption was that it should have returned or been annexed to Poland, but, in fact, this is all of western Ukraine.
Russians and Russia were not planned in this American-European secret plan. Large American corporations were to receive the rest of Ukraine.
American trading large companies and corporations were primarily interested in access to the Black Sea or the entire south of the Ukrainian coast, where the following were to be built:
- American military bases;
- American military contingent deployed;
- American merchant fleet;
- the entire Black Sea was to come under American control. I do not remember exactly. This is the 5th or 6th American fleet, which was planned to be sent to the Black Sea.
You may ask, but why do Americans and states need the Black Sea and the entire southern coast of the Black Sea?
I have not studied this issue in depth, but we are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars and most likely these numbers go even higher into the trillions of dollars for the American economy. For the American monster! For the American Empire.
These are very important trade routes that the Americans want to get and trade with the Middle East, Africa and EU countries.
Huge profit. The Americans managed to build one of the ports and, if I don’t confuse the name, the port “Ochakov”, but this port was destroyed, deformed and destroyed. The American dream never came true.
Americans will never gain access to Russian trade routes on the Black Sea. Russia has been trading and using these trade routes since 1780…
The Queen of England wanted to get these trade routes and there was a CRIMINAL WAR of 1853-1856, but in the end the British and French got it in the head…
All this for the sake of big money. Not just big money, but trillions of US dollars that giant American companies and corporations want to get…
Patrząc na tych ruskich zjebów to się nawet pisać nie chce.
2 polubienia
Bo admistracja Bugzard ma nas gdzieś pisałem to w jednym z moich tematów.
Ruskie trolle Bugzard powinien zbanować permatnie.
2 polubienia
Zgadzam się. Nikt tutaj nie panuje nad tym trolingiem.
1 polubienie
Na anglojęzycznym forum ten kretyn trolluje identyczne posty i też nikt ich nie usuwa…
1 polubienie
Gadu gadu do obiadu mawia klasyk.
Wracamy do tematu no więc kiedy drugie dlc z roku pegaza?
Czerwiec 2024 czy lipiec 2024?
Dzisiaj wieczorem będzie info o dodatku.
Najwyżysz czas bo 19 czerwca mija 4 miesiąc od 1 dlc,który był 19 marca.
Chyba pora wrócić na lekcję matematyki, bo 19 czerwca miną 3 miesiące, a nie 4 
2 polubienia
Nowe dlc zwykle pojawiają się co 4 miesiące zwykle po 2 miessiącach od mini serii
matematyki, polskiego i pewnie nie tylko… chłop nie umie pisać ani czytać ze zrozumieniem
4 polubienia