General Warfield new hero


Hello everyone, I want to share my vision of new hero. It is a good one. Please, try to understand, half or HOTS hero RDD and I was thinking about new supports. Don’t look at some cool down, it needs to be tested, obviously.

Category: Support, Starcraft

Idea: Champion with two marine troopers. They stand on the side of Champion.

Concepts: Champion can save another character and could be saved by another. He is a teamwork player.

Core mechanic: marines keeps range with Champion, so they could cover him from objectiles like Li-ming magic missiles. When hero attacks, marines stand between him and enemies and also make attacks. They have high fire rate like Tassadar. Champion costs like half of hero per death and exp (believe me it will be cool).

Q – Suppressive fire(CD: 8 sec). Champion and his Marines direct their attacks in the indicated direction (like Li-Ming’s arrows direction). Each attack is considered magical and does not go beyond one hero (the tank can block with a fat hitbox). 3 seconds duration. When Champion doesn’t have any Marines, Q regenerates 50% faster. Basic damage and range more on 25% then auto attack damage.

W – Cover Up(CD: 10 sec). Sends marines to the specified position, from where they will shoot at everyone. Heroes in priority. Sends the Marines back to Champion when the ability is used again. Range: like Raynor buffed banshee.
E – Supply pod(CD: 15 sec). After 1.5 seconds (Champion is incapacitated at this time), a box of ammunition arrives at the indicated place. The box has 500 HP and counts as an obstacle (like a wall). The box has 2 charges. To take a charge, you need to interact with the box for 1 second (like gathering objects). The charge restores everyone within its radius for 50 HP. The box exists until the old one is destroyed or a new one is summoned (Here is no problem with infinite box, because it has HP and can be destroyed by enemies).
D – We are team. When Champion dies, the first 15 seconds of death remains in place. He can be resurrected with 25% HP if interacted with for 3 seconds. Champion has two Marines. Once every 45 seconds, Champion has 2 new marines if last one died.
Z – Shuttle(CD: 30 second). Can parachute near any allied fort once every 30 seconds. (Marines spawn within a some radius of Champion)

The type of box can be chosen in additional active talents (like Deckard’s Haradric cubes): see talents below


1 Level List:

1. Q. If two beams hit the same hero, this hero slowed by 60%.
2. W. Each Mercenary Camp you capture increases Marines' damage and movement speed permanently by 2% (stacks up to 20)
3. E. Collect orbs. Marines and Champion HP regen increases by 1. Max 25. After 25 Orbs collected, a summoned Supply pod increases Champion vision by 25% and allows him to see invisibles things within a small radius of Supply pod.

4 Level List:

1. W. Marines deal more damage to non-heroes and take less damage from non-heroes (50% more damage or 75% is question for balance).
2. E. Active talent Bulletproof vests. Supply pod’s charges give 50 shields every 1.5 seconds to whoever uses it(not for all in range). The effect lasts 15 seconds. Maximum 150 shields.
3. W. “Dig in”. The first 3 seconds while Marines perform Cover Up they have 30 magic armor. For every 2 seconds they stand still, they gain 150 shields, up to a maximum of 1000. Shields fall off when smb moves them or Champion moving them from their place.

7 Level List:

1. E. Champion and his Marines get 2x bonus from Supply pod. The box has a 3rd charge and becomes 1.5 times longer (also his hitbox).
2. E. If the Supply pod is destroyed, it regenerates for 15 seconds faster. For each unused charge, the box heals HP in range.
3. W. Champion remains in place after death. Pressing D returns it to the fountain. He can use W and his current marines will carry him to the specified point (at this moment they are slower). W gets a second charge.

10 Level list:

R1 - Arsenal(CD: 60 sec). Rex can use the fort to change his and Marine weapons to: Rifles, Mortars, Flamethrowers. This recharges the Shuttle, the Fort and its towers gain 200 Shields.

Rifles: Basic auto attacks.

Mortar. Deals damage in batches (not a beam). Damage to both the target and the area behind it (similar to the Gen Greymane potion).

Flamethrower. Small radius. Periodic area damage.

R2 – Fighting brethren(CD: 60 sec). Marines grow up, you can't pass through the squad (for body block skill cap), HP grows in the squad to Champion. Marines can be resurrected just like Champion. Active: After a 0.5 second delay, Marines and Champion leaves detonators every 1.5 seconds. Within 4.5. The detonator fires in turn (from early to late) dealing damage and knocking back the target (Good try to simulate Cassia ult).

13 Level List:

1. W. Cover Up can be cast on allies to have marines follow the allied hero and attack when he attacks, marines regenerate 20 seconds faster.
2. Q. Suppressive fire has infinite duration while dealing damage. Damage dealt to the same target accumulates the ability dampening effect on that target (-5% per second from one beam, 50% total). The cursor can direct the attack.
3. E. Active talent Energy. Supply pod Charges grant +10% Ability Power to the user for 15 seconds (not for all in range).

16 Level List:

1. Q. Champion can use Q after death. When Champion is without Marines, Q charges are increased by 1.
2. E. Active talent Camouflage. Supply pod charge grants stealth for 30 seconds and instant invisibility if you continue to stand still.
3. D. A death of marine gives Champion and the other marines 25 armor, 25% movement, and 25% attack speed for 5 seconds.

20 Level List:

1. R1. You can use a destroyed fort. When using a destroyed fort, Champion puts one of his marines there, this marine has 2 times more HP and attack range. Champion has one more Marine in squad. For every Marine alive, all Marines and Champion have +5 Armor.
2. R2. Detonators are created for another 3 seconds. The ability can be pressed at any time. Killing a hero hit by a Detonator after 1.5 seconds removes the CoolDown from this ability.
3. E. Increases the cast radius of Supply pod by 200%. Allows you to use Shuttle(Z) to Supply pod.
4. D. Active talent Reinforcement. In a large area (CoolDown 180 seconds for the ability), ordinary marines are parachuted under stimulants (15 pieces). Random like Guldan with a meteor shower. Marines last 15 seconds and don't move only fire.