I’d like to bring up the issue of replicas during ulta . Why does the player who has a skin hear only the standard replica? While other players in your team or in the opposing team hear different ones?
The last skins that I remember and in which the player himself hears the replica is the replica “Touchdown” and “Tide Hour”.
Why can’t I hear the replicas of the epoch skins during the ult?
Is this a bug or a particular trick? Why can’t I hear special replicas while everyone else can.
I will be glad to hear the answers!
Че? Я не понимать. Вы на ру-форуме.
Как их интересно вообще сюда заносит
Лайков: 1
Так вроде реплики для ульты и не менялись, сама озвучка разве что? Как вариант еще - реплики выбираются из списка, ты можешь слышать один вариант, когда враги или команда слышит другой вариант
How do you get to RU forums, though? Are you lost, buddy? I had a customer named Conway, btw, is that you? =)