Новые диалоги 8.2. Спойлеры!

Вышла новая сборка на ПТР, подробности о Сильване и не только.
Обновили многие диалоги. Лор’темар понимает, что узнав о его предательстве гнев Сильваны будет страшен. Вот только я его не увижу, я же не предавал моего вождя. Зато я теперь видимо предатель своего народа.

In the latest broadcast text, we have Sylvanas referencing her endgame, ominous lines from the Eye of the Corruptor, and some more dialogue between Azshara and Shandris. Story spoilers.

This dialogue will make more sense after reading our Azshara Plot Summary and Baine War Campaign summary.
Sylvanas discusses the next phase of her campaign, apparently guided by the Blade of the Black Empire, which Horde players present to her after the Crucible of Storms raid. Based on her dialogue, the war servers a higher purpose and a mysterious endgame.
Nathanos. The next phase of our campaign is at hand.
Sail out with what remains of our fleet. The blade will guide you to the rendezvous.
Casualties on both sides will be substantial. Consider this an opportunity to weed out the disloyal.
The threads we have woven with such care will soon be drawn together. The war is serving its purpose. Stay focused on the endgame. You know what is to come.
We have been through so much together, you and I. Trust in me, as I have ever trusted in you.
Previously, Nathanos stated “Saurfang, Thrall, the Alliance… it is vexing to know our quarry escaped. But we must trust in the warchief’s plan.” With the update saying “allow our quarry to believe they escaped,” this puts Baine’s escape in a different light. Did Sylvanas plan for them to escape? If so, why would she want all the leaders to escape and band together against her? Does she have a plan requiring all the leaders to be in the same place at once?
Nathanos: Saurfang, Thrall, the Alliance… it is vexing to allow our quarry to believe they escaped us. But we must trust in the warchief’s plan.
Going to Nazjatar:
Old Dialogue New Dialogue
Champion, the Dark Lady demands your presence. She has devised a plan to finally put an end to this ridiculous conflict.
Our fleet has already begun mobilizing. Soon we will meet the Alliance armies at sea and crush their leaders beneath the Warchief’s might.
Find me at the docks. We will bring swift victory… for the Horde. Champion, the Dark Lady summons you. The time has come to set her plan into motion.
Our warships are ready to embark. The key to victory over the Alliance is within our grasp.
Meet me in Zuldazar, aboard the Banshee’s Wail. What we do next… we do for the Horde.
After the Naga attack:
Nathanos: You’re back on your feet. Good. Your survival is key to the Dark Lady’s plans.
Nathanos: Look around, $p. The vaunted Alliance fleet lies in ruins. Perfect.
Nathanos: I suppose you will want to find safe haven for our wounded. Oculeth will assist you. I have a mission to complete.
Eye of the Corruptor
Give in. Accept the embrace. Listen.
Listen. Listen. Listen. LISTEN.
The queen threatens the king. There is no way to win. Listen.
The undrowned will join the chorus. Listen to it.
Listen. Open the gate. Step into the abyss. Complete the circle.
You were right to doubt them.
Listen. She is a threat. Kill her. KILL HER.
Listen. You know this is the truth. It is but one of a thousand. You have only to listen.
Everywhere you look, the stars gaze back. You know their form already. You have but to listen.
Updated Lor’themar Dialogue
Some dialogue has been tweaked when Lor’themar learns that Baine will be executed soon.
Old Dialogue New Dialogue
Spiritwalker Ussoh: My vision was of Baine. He was imprisoned alone, encircled by enemies.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: A figure emerged from the shadows. The warchief.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: She gave the word, and Baine… was executed.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: The spirits whisper that he will be slain before the next sunrise.
Lor’themar: So we are at a crossroads once again, and we have little time to make our choice.
Lor’themar: Were it not for the Horde, the remaining sin’dorei might have died out against the Scourge.
Lor’themar: Garrosh nearly severed the bond between us, but in the end it held strong.
Lor’themar: Now that bond is threatened by another warchief… one whom I once knew well.
Lor’themar: My people will not abandon the Horde, nor will we stand idle as it is destroyed from within.
Lor’themar: Rendezvous with our allies and rescue Baine. We will deal with the consequences as they come. Spiritwalker Ussoh: I saw a vision of Baine. He was imprisoned. Suffering. Surrounded by enemies.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: A figure emerged from the shadows. Angry. Vengeful. The warchief.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: She spoke but a word, and Baine’s life… flickered out.
Spiritwalker Ussoh: The spirits whisper that this vision will come to pass before the next sunrise.
Lor’themar: By the Sunwell… We have to stop this!
Lor’themar: In the end, we all must choose our path. And that choice will have consequences.
Lor’themar: Baine Bloodhoof represents all that is best in the Horde. We cannot stand by and let his light be snuffed out.
Lor’themar: But know this: When the warchief learns of our defiance, her wrath will be swift… and terrible.
Escape of Baine
Loyalist dialogue:
The Dark Lady anticipated traitorous meddling, but we did not know when it would come… until you told us.
Now that the guests have arrived, shall we begin the entertainment?
Alchemist Spiteblood has something in mind. He can provide you protection against his… toys.
The traitors must believe you are on their side. None of our guards have been told you are loyal to the Horde. They will show no mercy.
Show none to them.
Dialogue for Horde that work with Alliance:
“It seems our lot has been thrown in with the Alliance.
I know what it is to fight against them, $p. To feel the loss and rage of war in your heart.
But I ask you to put that aside… at least until our friend Baine is safe.”
Azshara and Shandris
Last build, we datamined text hinting that Sylvanas and Thalyssra interact with friends from their past, in a ghostly version of Azshara’s empire. New dialogue was added of Azshara taunting Shandris who lost her brother in the Sundering:
Little Shandris Feathermoon. A lowborn peasant in search of other lowborn peasants. Let us see if we can’t wash away some of that disrespect you have been showing me.
You had no idea what I had to give to try to save this city. To save my people. And this is the thanks awarded me? The gratitude?
How rude of me. You came here to say goodbye to a lost one. Well, here they are…
That is enough, Sivara. They cannot choose to kneel to me if they are dead. Let us give them time to heal so they can come to their senses.
Oh, the First Arcanist Thalyssra. Still serving at the whim of better women I see. Shall we give your paltry parlor magic a test?
For ages, I wondered what would have happened to me had I chosen to flee to Zin-Azshari, or to Suramar, instead of with Tyrande.
Now I see I might have found my family, right before I would have lost them to Azshara’s madness.

You there! Please. I am in dire need of assistance. My brother is missing…
The denizens of the estates are cursed… forced to live in a state of purgatory for Azshara’s own glory.
I hope my brother does not suffer the same fate.
Azshara… forgive me.
That naga witch is trying to bend my brother’s sprit to Azshara’s will just like the others!
You will serve the Queen! Glory to Azshara!
Shandris’ brother was a merchant:
My hippogryphs! They got free!
All of these refugees are making my birds nervous.
I heard Queen Azshara was coming by today. Oh why did it have to be today?
I need to get these animals under control. All of this strange magic in the air is driving them mad.
Ah! A customer. I wish I had some goods to sell you today, but all of my wares have been purchased. Many of the refugees that have arrived have shared stories of horrifying demons and monsters beyond our walls, and as such everyone is just buying up every talisman, trinket, and magic wand I had for sale.
I don’t remember the market getting so messy…
Ugh, the hippogryphs got loose. The nightsabers are running a muck. And there is algae on the ground. How is there algae on the ground?
I… I am starting to think our Queen’s ritual did not do what she promised it would…
Why am I so wet?
“No no no no! My entire inventory of night sabers are on the loose. This will not do.
I don’t remember how they got out. I don’t remember why everything got so wet either.
I don’t… did I just imagine a wall of endless water?”
Dark Warden
Chief Architect of Mechagon
You’re the Chief Architect of Mechagon?

“Indeed, I am. The underground city of Mechagon is my finest achievement and most marvelous creation. If you’ve seen it, I assure you, that you will remember it.
I’ve served Prince Erazmin and King Mechagon since the very beginning, learning from each as time passed.
As you might imagine, I learn more from the young prince than his father these days.”

Why don’t you stay in Rustbolt?

“I’m an old man now, with many mistakes to pay for.
My station as Chief Architect allots me great freedom to travel within the halls of Mechagon. My abilities allow me to do so unmonitored.
I use that privilege to aid those with no such benefits to rely on. Those King Mechagon seeks to abuse and destroy.
As often as possible, I sneak refugees and resisters out of Mechagon city here to Rustbolt.
While our king has betrayed us, our prince still fights to keep us safe.”
Oculeth: This area is fascinating, don’t you think? The power that thrums all around us is quite astonishing.
Oculeth: My apologies. I am sometimes prone to distraction. I should focus on getting you down these falls without letting you plummet to your death.
Oculeth: The Regent Lord and Lady Thalyssra seek shelter for our forces. I will remain here to catch any other soggy heroes who trudge along.

Натанос надеется что толпа героев спасутся из нашей же ловушки. Притворяемся господа.

Судя по датамайну Натанос сам не в курсе какой у Вождя план.

Лайков: 1

Близы, полехче. Такими темпами Лор’темар станем моим вторым любимым персонажем, сразу же после Ли Ли.

PS: Натанос в своем репертуаре. “Подыграй, сказано тебе.” wink wink

14 лайков

Дружище ТС, так любой может - сделать копипасту с Icy или Вовхеда. Ты бы перевод сюда прикрутил, сам бы перевёл мб. Зачем эта стена не переведённых диалогов, которая лежит на полудюжине других ресурсов в каком же виде?

48 лайков

кратко, чё там из новых подробностей?

2 лайка

Сильвана дала сбежать Бейну и ко.

Дружище ДК, если я переводу это через Гугл переводчик, то тебя устроит качество этого перевода?

Нет, извини, я так тоже могу - но там качество плохое.

2 лайка

Дала сбежать Бейну. Хмммм…
Очередной хитрый план , как с Дереком? :thinking:

Ух, сколько же ходов-очка Сильвана сделала в этот раз? Мне кажется много.

Лайков: 31

Получается Сильвна была готова пожертвовать Талиссрой и Лортемаром? Они же плыли с флотом? Ну как можно предать такую Королеву?

13 лайков

ну раз она и Натаноса снарядила значит им ничего не грозило. Сильно притянул за уши

Натанос знал, они похоже нет. И да Натанос не лидер другого народа.

2 лайка

как это меняет то что им ничего не грозило? Натанос сам не знает что произойдет. Он просто знал о том что произойжет абстрктное что то

Если это отличное слово. А нежити и дышать не надо под водой.

Я думаю ничего им не грозило. По обновленным словам Натаноса, можно сделать вывод что лидера Орды по какой то причине нужны Сильване живой, и даже побег Бейна был спланирован и им дали уйти.

пока сценария нет на птр все это вилами по воде

что не мешает отрекам умереть от трезубцев наг или к примеру сгнитьв желудке гигантского кракена

Вспоминается как в ЗВ в 4-м эпизоде дали уйти Люку и Ко, а потом Империи случился кирдык :thinking:

От нас с тобой требуется лишь одно - не оплошать, и подыграть.

Лайков: 1

Почему гениальный стратег постоянно даёт кому то уйти ? Или это все часть великого плана?

9 лайков