Значит новых фронтов не будет. А то говорили близзы, мы постепенно будем новые добавлять по мере развития сюжета. А в итоге добавили темные берега и все. Как все близзы за слова не отвечают
А зачем тебе варфронт? Война как бе все.
Понятно что вар закончилась, просто сам факт: говорили что будут другие фронты на по факту только 2 за весь аддон.
ну дают соло/групповой контент по типу башни магов, считай замена фронту. Да и так не шибко то и хотелось 20 минутного тупняка с нпс )
Скрыть/заменить плечи (которые действительно не очень подходят), и вся проблема с избытком золота будет ликвидирована.
Вместо того, чтобы дать что-то в духе того же Галливикса примерно, налепили динамитов на какие-то обноски, цветовой гаммой напоминающие броню орочьих рубак, и надели пилотную шапку с очками. Ну да, отлично.
Вся проблема с избытком золота была бы решана, если бы его вообще не было.
Отвратное сочетание золотого и черного в любом случае портит этот костюм.
Мне нравится больше чем золотое уг для воргенов.
Откровенно у гоблинов действительно все плохо - стоит обменяться золотом с воргенами.
8.3 Epic Battleground - Warfront Arathi (PvP)
Directory: 2292
Type: Battleground
и героик ТБ варфронт )
это про что?
Очень вероятно весь мир засыпает уже
фронт в арати будет эпик бг
так это не тот фронт что были до этого.
я там с ними ничего не делаю.Не надо мне тут
> https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/P_75ENY0YgL45YgGwZJ4-oEmnzorN-WQ0RebuX0GFFU/https/wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/873558.jpg
Это кошмарное видение, если что, со Штормградом такое же есть.
Я вам, как ШП говорю. Внешность - не главное. «Главное - сила!» (с) Рандомный Орк нпс
Anduin: The armistice is signed. At long last, the Fourth War is over.
Tyrande: No. Not while the Black Moon still cries out for vengeance. Not until the Horde has answered for its treachery.
Anduin: Further bloodshed will not bring back the fallen. We must renew our hope and forge a future for those who survived.
Tyrande: And when the next warchief musters an army, will hope save you if it is Stormwind that burns?
Anduin: I know it’s difficult to trust, but there are signs of change within the Horde. In place of a warchief, there is now a council led by Baine, Thrall, and the others. I believe they can–
Tyrande: Your faith is naive, lion son. I will sign no treaty unless it is written in the Banshee’s blood!
Anduin: Tyrande!
Genn: There is truth in her words, Anduin. Peace may be on the table today, but soon enough the Horde will sound their drums and march for war.
Genn: When that day comes, no scrap of parchment will hold them back.
Anduin: The path to peace will not be easy, and not all will choose to walk it. But this is the only way to build a better future. I believe it will work, Genn.
Shandris: You spoke harshly to King Anduin, Tyrande. The kaldorei can ill afford to shun the Alliance. They have provided aid and comfort to us in these dark times.
Tyrande: The young king is foolish to trust our enemies. Harsh words should be the least of his fears.
Shandris: The Banshee Queen no longer leads the Horde. Those who do seem more inclined toward peace than war.
Tyrande: If the wolf is rabid, it matters not who rides it. Sooner or later, the beast will bare its fangs.
Shandris: You are dearest to my heart, Tyrande. I beg you, let go of the Black Moon’s rage and embrace the mother’s light once again. I could not bear to lose you to darkness.
Tyrande: Know this. My hunger for vengeance will not be sated so long as Sylvanas Windrunner remains free–and until I know why Elune abandoned her children.
Shandris: Tyrande! Do not say such–
Tyrande: I will tarry no longer in this city of men. Let us leave for the boughs of Nordrassil.
Tyrande: From there we will dispatch the Sentinels to every corner of Azeroth. Let no one rest until the Banshee is found!
Если коротко - сын льва дурочек потому что орду нужно уничтожить и конечно же Сильвану.
Шандрис умоляет отказаться от возмездия и получает резкий отказ.
Никогда бы не подумал, что буду на стороне Тиранды.
now a council led by Baine, Thrall, and the others.
Overlord Gey’arah: The Mag’har have never known life without a warchief. It will be hard for them–and for me. But it seems your people have lost a queen as well.
Lilian Voss: The Forsaken are torn by turmoil and doubt. Many still love Sylvanas, even after all she has done. Others believe their home remains in the Horde.
Overlord Geya’rah: And you? Where do your loyalties lie?
Lilian Voss:Where they always have–with the Forsaken. To be raised into undeath is to be forever haunted by the ghosts of your past. A caring hand can offer comfort through the pain.
Overlord Geya’rah: I see no crown upon your head. Are you the new queen they seek?
Lilian Voss:No. I’ll speak on my people’s behalf, but I won’t rule them. There is another I believe will prove better suited to that task… when the time is right.
Overlord Geya’rah: The love you hold for your people burns as bright as my own for the Mag’har. I wish you good fortune, Lilian Voss.
Lilian: My lady. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I am Lilian Voss.
Calia: Miss Voss. I once listened to your father’s sermons. That was… long ago. Forgive me, I haven’t introduced my companion. This is Lord Derek Proudmoore.
Lilian: Lord Proudmoore. You should know that I played a part in the events that led to your undeath. I… regret much of what has happened.
Lilian: I didn’t know… at first. Once I did, I should have stopped it. Baine Bloodhoof showed the courage I lacked. If I could change the past, I would.
Calia: You didn’t reach out to offer apologies. Why did you ask us here?
Lilian: This champion witnessed your kindness toward Lord Proudmoore. How you helped him through his torment. Sadly, he is not the only one who suffered in the war.
Calia: Night elf sentinels? Why are you… By the Light!
Lilian: Many fell at Teldrassil. Some were raised into rage and darkness, turned against their own people. They, too, have been abandoned.
Derek: Calia, I know the pain they suffer. The hopelessness. You must do something for them.
Calia: We will, Derek. Together.
Calia: Greetings. I am Calia Menethil of Lordaeron. I will do my best to help you. Please, come with us.
Calia: Thank you for coming, Jaina. I wanted you both to know… I have decided to leave Kul Tiras.
Jaina: You’re leaving? Why?
Calia: I received a letter from Lilian Voss of the Forsaken. She asks for my help.
Calia: The Forsaken lost their queen. For many, it’s the second time they’ve been abandoned. They feel adrift. Alone.
Jaina: But Calia, none of that is your–
Calia: They are my people, Jaina. My father gave everything for Lordaeron. I wish to honor him, and to prove worthy of the name I was born with. The name Menethil.
Derek: Right, then. So when do we leave?
Calia: I cannot ask you to come with me, Derek. Kul Tiras is your home.
Derek: I am a Proudmoore, and I always will be. But I’ve changed, and it’s time to see where the tides will take me.
Jaina: I understand, though I will miss you both. Come. Mother and Tandred would never forgive me if I let you leave without a proper farewell.
Лилиан назначает встречу мисс Калии для обсуждения будущего отрекшихся.
Живой труп ночного эльфа производит впечатление на будущую королеву отрекшихся - затем они удаляются.
После встречи с мисс Восс - Калия и Дерек Праудмур сообщают Джайне что покидают Култирас.
Что бы не постить еще одну стену - пост вождя упразднен.