Make "Grim Tidings" quest REMAKEABLE!

Got to give credit where it is due to the Devs who did it if it was a deliberate attempt, not good credit though, I can even see the connection to every time we get something from Nathanos. That speech bubble with ‘Stay a while and listen’ always at the bottom we automatically ignore after a while and just click the quest.
The brain sees the same ‘face’ and we react ‘the same way’. Me and the Mrs did it at the exact same quest at the same time and it wasn’t till we got to Saurfang and he asked us to defend him, we both said ‘No, we don’t want to’.

There was no warning, oversight or deliberate attempt - is anyones guess, and yes, I should have read better in the first place or been a swat and look it up. But with so much new stuff to go on adventure on, ‘no time for details, gimmie the action’ takes over. Lacklustre or enjoying the game?, depends who’s opinion and none is wrong. But the lack of equality and clarity provided by the Devs at that moment in the game has caused a nasty bruise.


I’m joininng the call. This is ridiculous.


Even though I chose the right option for me, I would like to add my support to the cause. I think it was slightly underhanded of Blizzard to try and steer people towards Saurfang by not putting the two options on an equal par.

Many NPCs have that speech bubble and it’s of no consequence. They are often ignored by players.



Blizzard your destroying the expansion that could be amazing. For first time after Wrath of The Lich King I was enjoying every second of it but you had to ruin it. IN OUR HOLIDAY! GREAT JOB


Please everyone make like and reply in all similar threads, Developers must give us answer!


This is pretty silly, can’t you just pretend that you supported Sylvanas instead? What matters the most is what you truly love.

Okay, cheesy lines aside, remember that there’s no actual impact on gameplay regarding the choice you make. Don’t treat the quest as a vote. And if you care that much about the story of your character, you should probably read the quests properly (you have to be rushing or blind to miss the speech bubble).

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You can say read all of the quest, but others can say why there is no warning when try to get the Grim Tidings quest, that will lead you to side Saurfang.
Mate, let me be clear. This is not a vote, nor just a quest. It’s a key decision.
But Blizzard made a mistake in this willful or not.
There is no warning when you start to support Saurfang. They did not give us an obvious two way choosing option, like “I support Sylvanas” / “I support Saurfang”. Equal --> Blizzard did not give us enough information and warning to we could decide perfectly.
So even if some ppl were forgetful, the Devs must help these people, reset the quest and let the players deciede as they know now what will happen when they click on the quest or click on the dialoge.

And do not forget, the GMs said, this is a key decision. That means this questline will effect our game in the future. So, yes. There will be an impact on our gameplay, an impact that Blizzard made, so this shows us the importance of make the Grim Tidings quest REMAKEABLE.


For the Horde players, for the game, for the lore - this is a major decission and it can not be treated lightly.
Devs decided to give us “a choice” - nobody forced them to do that. So let it be done properly or not at all.


And this is what you do for every single quest?
You can’t understand we are complaining becuase it was obvious trick from Developers. Can you?
There should be warning for both choose not only one.
And you seriously think there is no impact on game play?
How about to think twice before mocking you’re self?


One of Game-Master told me the following so please, Everyone do it. Maybe this method works.

Game-Master: I know how important the game is to you, its very important to me as well as a gamer, so please do get your voice heard by using the ingame suggestion tool.

@DEVELOPERS. The community demands a change and an answer! Step out and be responsible for what you did!


I stand by your side totally ! I got lucky finding these threads before talking to that troll(guess he filled his troll job heh) with the decision, but I would’ve messed up for sure if it weren’t for checking around here.


I actually pressed the dialogue option and saw the warning sign but still didn’t think it was a choice between Saurfang and Sylvanas. Zekhan says “She not be reportin’ back nothin’… she gonna kill him”, which I interpreted as the dark ranger Lyana taking matters into her own hands, going against Sylvanas will. I thought the quest would be to stop Lyana and inform Sylvanas. It didn’t make sense to me that Sylvanas would want to kill Saurfang if the Alliance was gonna do it anyway.

Actually, even if the Alliance weren’t going to kill him I still don’t think it’s like Sylvanas to try and kill Saurfang. She may be grim and cold at times, but she’s just not that… small… She’s always had honour even if she’d never waste her time talking about it. It really feels like Blizzard wants to get rid of her, with all the things they’re having her do and say, along with Nathanos.

I honestly think it would be better if Saurfang was warcheif and Sylvanas went back to leading the Forsaken. It just doesn’t have to happen like this. They could still be on good terms with one-another. In fact, the whole event could lead them to respect each other more than ever before. And Sylvanas would have more time to work on ensuring the survival of the Forsaken if she wasn’t warcheif. She would be more free, it just suits her better.

I’m pretty sure most horde players like both Saurfang and Sylvanas, so I really don’t get why Blizzard started this conflict to begin with.

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I decided to go on and support Saurfang on my troll druid and support Sylvanas on my undead mage but I must say it is such a click-bait from Blizz making only one of the options a quest. I felt cheated both times as well because it was blatantly obvious that supporting Saurfang was the “intended” option.

Why did Blizzard gave us this “illusion of choice” is the real question because it sure looks evil to me right now.

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The fact that you can’t go back is evident in all games. Path of Exile does this as well. I do agree however that warnings should be given when choosing any of the two sides and not just one of them. Quests should be given on both paths too. That’s clearly a bug on Blizzard’s part.

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Maybe she had honour once but that was long a go i dont like sylvanas anymore , that killing of families by burning telldrassil , in the realm i play now i have 1 horde left i have let the rest (still low levels) die that one has 84k i can’t send to my alliance chars its the only reason she still lives

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Greetings all!

So after more than one month here is the thing. There are SEVEN topic deal with this Sylvanas versus Saurfang questline. Let see what it means in numbers.
There are altogether about 7000 views and 300 replies.
I guess it is more then the other first 100 different topics altogether.
But speaking of different topics… There are many whom had an answer and a solution yet. The point is → with far fewer views and replies.
Far fewer means topics with 40 views and 4 replies.
Compare it with the 7000 and 300 that all we have.

Still, we do not have a solution nor an answer!!
So the question is → Where are you dear Developers?

Here is a summary about the problem for you (dear Developers):
The problem was you did not make us a warning that accepting the
“Grim Tidings quest” will lead us to support Saurfang.
We are here in these several topics because of this mistake or intended mistake you made.

What do we all want? We want to support Sylvanas.
So what must be the solution?
Reset the questline, let us make it again.

AND put a warining to Saurfang’s side also and to every choosing quests aswell. That would be fair and just.

What we do not want? Answers like “you decided it” or “we can not undo this quest”. You know why? Because you capable to undo. Here is a story:
One of my friend was an Alli player but he (grown up at least) and decieded to change to Horde. All of his quests including the STORY was reseted meanwhile his reputation was the same. Also he had to do all the Zuldazar and Kul Tiran minion quests “again”.

So technically you capable of reset any quest meaning you can fix and solve the problem you made.

Game Masters said this is a key decision questline.
So that’s the reason why is so important to “solve the problem you made”.

Can’t wait for your answer Devs,

Guys still make replies, likes and share of all the topics of the cause.
Linked all of it.

Happy new year for everyone,



Blizzard fix this, there are tons of players those who speak either via ticket or forum and either that swallowed it and didnt raise a voice, but we want this to be fixed , its past the point of lore and gameplay now, its a customer issue.


i hope for a fix, i will not rest and i will haunt the blizzard hq the way jacob marley haunted mr scrooge if i end up betraying my leader by misstake.

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Honestly, I, personally, have never really liked Sylvanas since I 1st started playing horde side, but to basically force (more or less) a player to choose Saurfang is VERY WRONG when it’s supposed to be “an important decision” so I do agree that Blizzard should sort this out

people are naturally going to choose the quest over the bubble (since the majority of bubbles don’t do much), so it really does need remaking or rethinking!!


Seriously developers? Where are you? So ashamed to come here and answer!?

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