Why there is no WARNING at "Grim Tidings" Quest !?

I dont think Blizzard is trying to make us choose saurfang, but they are acting kinda stupid nowadays. I did the same wrong choice because quest didnt give me any warning and i accepted like the rest of the quests. When I wrote a ticket to GM they kept me waiting 3-4 days just to say “NO” nothing else. Its not about toys and other stuff. I would easily help saurfang with my alts. The main thing is i want my main which is named “SYLVEINAS” to choose not to betray sylvanas. Doing the same quest on alts doesnt change that.


All you said is true and its what everyone feeling these days but the following part is so important. I hope developers understand it.


No wonder Blizzard treats it’s players as dummies when they don’t read quest text or dialogue choices and then cry that they’ve been ‘tricked’, so much so that they even bold their text! Frightening. And to think people who cared that much about the story might actually have bothered reading such things…

This thread serves as a testament as to why the rest of us get treated like babies.


i totally agree

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i’m RP Forsaken player sinse 2008 and we get this?
There should be an option to kill Saurfang and that stinky little troll.


look… i read the quest, i read the warning. But accepting common quest without another warning is just sad fail. The player need to know that now he is picking the sides. That he can tell himself oh wait, now there is end in questline and if i want to continue i need to pick side. But in this case it was like if you pick Sylvanas you will never get that cape toy, but there was no word about that if you accept quest you will choose Saurfang forever. Dont you guys have a ph… sorry i mean, Dont you guys never played Bioware games when you dont know how to do branching in Quests?

I hope you understand what im trying to tell you, because my engrish is baad :smiley:


Just obeying whater order from whoever is in charge wherever you are is also a choice. That’s what quests makes us do usually.



Well personally, for me, this doesn’t matter, as I have always hated Sylvanas so I honestly don’t care but Blizzard seriously messed up on this - an “important decision quest” yet, realistically, there is no choice because u get a quest with no warning to side with Saurfang but a bubble with a warning to side with Sylvanas!? -



Followers of Sylvanas are easily decieved…

Hehe, just kidding around. I can feel your pain with the issue.


It’s really unpleasant that so much time passed, so manny people are asking help for this issue that is more than clear on blizzard’s side because the “choice” is really bad developed by them and yet they ignore as all this time. In my opinion, this is really bad treatment on your customers including me also.


After 2 posts, with more than 3k views togheter and over 50 replies about the topic, it seems we don’t deserve anything, not even a community manager “sent word to the devs about this”.

This is definitely not Blizzard anymore.
The wound hurts and burns less than earlier. But it still does.
Please… before 8.1.5 comes out and more choices will make this forgettable… Listen to our voices.


I’m also incredibly annoyed by this. I’d wanted to side with Sylvanas on one character (this one) and Saurfang on my orc (duh). Unfortunately, there was 0 warning, and I didn’t realize the dialogue option (with NO warning!) was the “choice.”

Blizzard, if you’re gonna suddenly start making “major plot choices with future impact,” please, please make the choice CLEAR. For this one you should have a do-over option, and in the future, the “popup confirmation” should be at the actual choice point, not when it’s too late. I’ve no idea what drove the logic behind that one, but this is quite disappointing.

GMs cannot reset the quest because that would “lessen the impact of the choice” or some such, so my ticket politely explained, but that’s totally not viable when the choice wasn’t made to begin with.

Please put in a way to revert your choice.


I am disappointed too. Bad interface and not obvious what to choose. Usually i automatically take quests with an exclamation mark. I hope blizzard developers will fix it in next patches and give us a choice to change our solution.


Waited for 2 months in hope they would make an option but I suppose they refuse despite all the feedback from all the players that made a mistake, quite annoyed feeling forced when I either like Saurfang or becoming a traitor

Possible the worse designed questline in the history of WoW

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I didn’t even know I could side with her… I would have.

So we have the following threads with the following statics

57 replies
37 users

76 replies
57 users

30 replies
20 users

109 replies
43 users

10 replies
7 users

So let’s add the numbers and see what we have totally!
282 replies
164 users

Also, The last 2 thread is closed for no reason.

So basically, One topic gets HOT in last 2 month in the forum and Game-Masters just refuse to do any action and tell us to come to the forum and make our voice heard and once we do it, We get completely ignored by Developers and they refuse to come and take responsibility for their mistakes?

As customers, We demand the response and As a long-time fans, We seek supports but it seems no one in Blizzard team give a **** about us. So there is only one more question left to ask.
Does Blizzard no longer care about customers and the fans? If its the case, I rather leaving than be treated like this.


Does anyone have a problem with “Righting Wrongs” quest?

I did my research this time before getting tricked by developers again and I found this.

After getting “Righting Wrongs”, I must report to Nathanos at the Banshee’s Wail before heading to Tiragarde. And I must be able to see the following dialogs.

Do you have something to report?
Baine Bloodhoof has requested that I help him with a secret task.
Nevermind. Don’t report Baine’s request.

But all I see is the following.

Stay awhile and listen.
Where is Derek Proudmoore being held?

So what’s wrong? Why I can’t see the dialogs?

It seems we are not able to side with Sylvanas vs Baine because we sided with Suarfang before.

You guys tricked us to go to the wrong path and ignored us completely in the forum and even in the new quest line, You won’t let us to side with Sylvanas!
Why you don’t give an option to people who didn’t do “Warriors Death” to remain loyal to Sylvanas and enjoy the game?
It’s funny that you guys have time to read comments in change list and make a reply but don’t have time/courage to reply in a hot thread like this.

Community demand respond!


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