None of the Golem DMG multipliers work

The Golem Glyph is not changing the DMG of the Golem
The rare Nodes infused Golem, Frenzied Golem, Borrowed Golem do not raise the DMG of the Golem
The Magic DMG Nodes of Golem do not raise the DMG of the Golem
The legendary node does raise the dmg but does only show live increase in Tooltip

I tried it with the new training dummy with all magic nodes active it shows in the stats 330% dmg and I do X DMG. Without all magic nodes active it shows 130% dmg and I do the exact same X DMG to the dummy.

Additionaly Borrowed Strength of the same board does not seem to change the dmg of any skill as well

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Ist schon seit vor season bekannt und gemeldet. Keine Minion Dmg Stats funktionieren richtig.