Klassenthread Schamane

Aktualisierte Liste.

Big Booooy

Class: Shaman

Format: Wild

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (1) Reincarnate

2x (1) Thrall’s Gift

2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge

2x (2) Ancestral Spirit

2x (2) Auctionhouse Gavel

2x (2) Devolve

2x (2) Jam Session

2x (3) Fairy Tale Forest

2x (4) Ancestor’s Call

1x (4) Baking Soda Volcano

2x (5) Muckmorpher

2x (6) Eureka!

1x (7) Glugg the Gulper

1x (8) Thunderbringer

2x (9) Walking Mountain

1x (10) Neptulon the Tidehunter


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