Patchnotes zu 23.2

Patch 23.2 will be launching with the following known issues:

  • When viewing the normal (non-golden) version of a card when you have 1 normal and 1 golden, the Create/Upgrade message will ask if you want to “Create a new golden or Upgrade a normal?” That “Create” button will actually create a normal version, matching the Dust cost indicated. The text will be corrected in a future patch. In the meantime, the players can use the existing “Undo” function if they accidentally craft a different card or card version than intended.
  • The Mercenaries N’Zoth event timer will show that the new event “ends in 1 hr.” That is not correct and will be updated after the launch. The N’Zoth event will be available until Patch 23.4.
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