Patchnotes zu 27.6

Und für folgende Punkte hat die Zeit nicht mehr gereicht sie zu übersetzen/aufzunehmen:

  • [Added 10/17] [Cosmetics] The team is aware that the Ulfar hero skin and Blood Queen Lanathel hero skins are missing voicelines in some languages. These are scheduled to be fixed in a future major update.
  • [Added 10/18] [Battlegrounds] The cat was let out of the bag when the Feline Fortune Anomaly went live early. We’re temporarily disabling it again until its scheduled time to return.
  • [Added 10/18] [Battlegrounds] We’ve seen reports of cards like Uther not working sometimes. It appears that the cause of this issue is the “Treasure Hoard” Anomalies. We’ve temporarily disabled all of them while we further investigate.
  • [Added 10/19] [Battlegrounds] We’ve temporarily disabled the Anomalous Twin Anomaly because it was too evil and causing disconnects.