Q&A mit Dean Ayala

Dean Ayala’s Hearthstone Q&A Recap #41 - Classic Format Potentially Changing to Rotating, Wild-only Card Set Idea, & More

Hearthstone’s Core Set

  • There are two goals for a Core Set:
    • Teach Hearthstone to new players as they level up.
    • Give players tools for archetypes built in expansions.
  • The teams are currently quite happy with Tradeable.
  • We don’t see Tradeable in the Core set because they don’t want too much of it in Standard.
    • Cards should be run because they are desired for their entire effect, not just to draw other cards.
    • Gallon wouldn’t be surprised to see Tradeable in the Core set in the future.

Year of the Hydra

  • All the expanions this year are standalone - no year-long story.
  • Don’t expect any hints about the new expansions.
  • The nerf-reverts that happened for newly-sent-to-wild cards are easy to explain:
    • Revert a card nerf if it would be good for the health of the game.
    • Keep a card nerfed if it would be a negative.

Hearthstone Cosmetics

  • The golden upgrade feature is coming, timing is to be determined.

Battle.net Regions

  • If they could, they would let players transfer their accounts across regions.
  • The game is setup in a way that makes it „extremely intensive“ on the development side of things if they were to attempt such a feat.
  • It is unlikely we’ll see region transfers.

Classic Hearthstone

  • There has been a real consideration about changing the Classic format to being a rotating sets format.

Duels & Battlegrounds

  • Duels is still in active development.
  • Duels has no new big-ticket features in the near to mid term.
  • They do want to fix intentional disconnects in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. It is unlikely we’ll see anything soon though as the team is busy with other things.
  • Battlegrounds will be receiving a homescreen UI overhaul in the future.
  • One thing Battlegrounds will get in the future is a place to see important news in-game.
  • Some folks on the team want to do Tavern Brawls for Battlegrounds.
    • That needs to be weighed against other features like progression, tournaments, duos, and home screen updates.
    • They also need to make sure enough design space exists before committing to building the tech.

Hearthstone’s Shop

  • All products they put in the shop are an experiment at the end of the day.
  • They try their best to guess what players would be happy paying for a particular product.

Hearthstone’s Future

  • Dean could see them doing another card like Toki, Time-Tinker. Time travel is certain an ongoing theme in Warcraft - there’s a whole dragonflight for it!
  • The class ban limited-time feature that Dean has talked about in the past is still something he wants to do.
    • It is not currently on the schedule but there’s a good chance we’ll see it.
  • Elevator Pitch regarding Wild:
    • They make a new set of cards that is made up of old Hearthstone favourites and some new wild-only cards.
    • This becomes the pack to buy if you want to play wild.
    • There are some ideas being considered, early in the process, but they like it as a starting concept.

Dean „Iksar“ Ayala

  • Since his title change, he’s been focusing less on design and more long-term goals and thinking about leadership.
  • Dean will be having dinner this evening with Ben Brode.

Dean Ayala’s Q&A #40 Transcript: