Blue: Was ist ein bug/exploid

Soooooo since I’m seeing a lot of confusion (here and elsewhere), here’s some insight into how we draw the line between what makes something a punishable exploit versus a “happy little accident.”

The key factor here is intent. Did the player do something with the specific intention of causing a glitch to occur, and did they do it order to exploit said glitch for their own benefit?

This recent glitch makes a pretty clean example. The players who were abusing it had to do some Very Weird Stuff to cause it to occur, and then did so repeatedly. No reasonable person would expect that this behavior was intended, and the players involved had to go out of their way to cause it. It’s obviously unintended, it’s obviously a glitch, and the people who abused it were obviously exploiting said glitch for their own benefit. That’s pretty open and shut.

Someone mentioned Esfand’s random MC reset in this thread, which is a pretty clean example of the other end of the spectrum. In that case, they just turned up to raid and the instance had been reset. They didn’t do anything intentional to cause it or go looking for reproduction steps so they could abuse it - in fact, they reported it to us and didn’t continue until they got confirmation that it was out of their control (and that we wouldn’t consider it an exploit if they cleared).

Side note for the curious: that was a completely separate bug that has existed since 2004, and actually happened several times back then, it just wasn’t being broadcast to thousands of viewers at the time.

Obviously, neither situation is ideal - we try our best to provide a fair playing field for everyone - but there’s a pretty massive difference between “the instance is reset and we don’t know why” and “if we do this One Weird Trick we can infinitely farm this dungeon boss.” That’s the key factor that turns something from an accident into an exploit.

This ended up being longer than I expected so I’ll wrap it up with one last caveat: there is a lot of context and nuance that goes into these situations, and they’re not usually as cut and dry as these two examples. We end up making a lot of judgement calls based on the specifics of each exploit as well as their overall impact on the game (the phrase “clever use of game mechanics” originally came from one such convoluted situation). These two cases just happen to be pretty obvious.

Ökonomie kaputt, 50x Stratholm Boss/h fürs mount…
Sind mal die ersten 2 Sachen die mir einfallen wenn ich daran denke und mich schaudert es was es noch gibt an das ich nicht denke.

Lt Reddit Classic:

Bitte vergesst nicht sowas kann man auch Fälschen

Die Frage die wirklich interessiert ist, was sind die Strafen für diese Leute?
Perma Ban wäre das einzig richtige für diese Leute! :grimacing:


Das wäre super aber blizz will sich da dinke ich nicht die $$$ durch die lappen gehen lassen

Perfekt, es ist zwar kein Perma Ban aber immerhin besser als das die Leute damit durchkommen. :blush:

Hab ich da was überlesen?

Mhm gibt es hier auch was in Deutsch wir sind hier im Deutschen Forum

nicht im Englischen :slight_smile:

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@mccain hab das reddit oben dazu gemacht zwecks Übersicht
@fruckus gibt davon glaub ich noch keine Übersetzung

Wird die Masse nicht erfahren

Ganz ehrlich, who cares, es gibt keine Achivments etc.

Schwer zu tracken, das wird wsl bleiben.

Der wird auch bleiben.

Am Screenshot sieht man, das es sich deutlich nur auf CLassic bezieht.

Tatsächlich verdient Blizzard mit Permabans mehr Geld, weil die meisten Leute einfach neue Accounts erstellen.

Die Argumentation der Buguser / Exploiter / Cheater ist immer gleich…

Aber okay, es wird ja im realen Leben auch ausreichend vorgelebt. Schuldbewußtsein? Gibts nicht. Mit 100 in der Tempo 30 Zone geblitzt? mimimi die doofen Kinder sollen sich nicht so haben. Ist ja auch nix passiert.

Hallo zusammen,

bitte diskutiert über den Vorfall mit dem Exploit in dem dazu bereits bestehenden Topic Classic WoW Instance Layering

