Plaudersofa 706 - Es geht ein Biba Butzezwerg in seiner Mine um

Dideldum! Plaudersofa 705 - Jetzt noch neutraler und kuscheliger! - #1000 von Ary-die-aldor


Ein Zwergensofa… und wie passend, denn ich bin eine Zwergin! :exploding_head:



@Valanna: Ich bin Jeor Mormont! (Oder Maester Luwin oder Maester Aemon)

Nickname: The Old Bear

Traits: Resolute, Fearless, Strong

Your primary character is Jeor Mormont. You are strong and formidable. You are fearless in the face of adversity and face your problems head on. You are serious and respected by those around you because of your strong sense of loyalty, honor and duty. People trust you because you can be relied upon to keep your word and deliver on your promises. You don’t seek out power for your own enhancement, but serve and wield power for the benefit of all. You don’t suffer fools gladly and have a no-nonsense approach to life.


Das musste ich nun doch noch machen…

Your primary character is Jeor Mormont. You are strong and formidable. You are fearless in the face of adversity and face your problems head on. You are serious and respected by those around you because of your strong sense of loyalty, honor and duty. People trust you because you can be relied upon to keep your word and deliver on your promises. You don't seek out power for your own enhancement, but serve and wield power for the benefit of all. You don't suffer fools gladly and have a no-nonsense approach to life.

Bis auf ein oder zwei Punkte könnte das passen.
Jetzt aber im Bett!

Oh, man kann ja noch runter scrollen!

Your secondary character is Ser Rodrik Cassel. You are fiercely loyal to the people whom you deem worthy. Courage is another quality that you have in great abundance. While other may choose their words carefully, you have a tendency to speak your mind plainly and loudly, even though this sometimes gets you into trouble. You are not a natural diplomat but you are dutiful and can be relied upon to keep your word even in the most testing of circumstances

Oh Gott, warum ausgerechnet Jon Snow als Drittes >.<

Your tertiary character is Jon Snow. You are serious most of the time and prefer solitude than the company of others. That can sometimes be mistaken for shyness, but you fit in well in most group and are respected for your honest and earnest nature. You can be arrogant and condescending towards your inferiors due to your upbringing and self confidence, but you are easily humbled when shown the error of your ways. You show generosity and compassion to those around you.

Nun werde ich Albträume haben.


Brienne und Davos danach.

Nickname: Aemon Targaryen
Traits: Wise, Humble, Capable
Your primary character is Maester Aemon. You are both wise and humble. You don’t seek the limelight, preferring to use your gifts as an adviser and confidante to the powerful. You have a strong sense of duty, but of duty to the greater good rather than to those to whom you are close to personally. You prefer to serve people rather than leading them. You are gentle and kind in all of your dealings with others. You are driven from within and do not seek the approval of others.


Ich wäre Minerva Mc Gonagall…
gerade getestet…

War doch Harry Potter Test?


Also ok…

Primary Character:Khal Drogo
Nickname:The Great Khal
Traits:Savage, Fearsome, Unforgiving

Your primary character is Khal Drogo. You are respected and feared for your fierceness and strength, but you are also feared for your harshness and unforgiving nature. You lack compassion and have little respect for the weak, believing them to be nature’s natural fodder. You have little time for the ways of polite society and understand that true power and control comes from strength and dominance, not from diplomacy. You also have a tender side which is never seen in public, but can be brought out by the right person in the right circumstances.

Secondary Character:Stannis Baratheon
Nickname:The One True King
Traits:Stubborn, Unforgiving, Serious

Your secondary character is Stannis Baratheon. Your defining characteristics are justice and honor. You will do whatever it takes to see that justice is served. You have a rigid sense of morality; there is only good and bad but no middle ground. This leads to a legalistic way of looking at things and many dislike you because of your refusal to compromise. However, you command a lot of respect because you are known to hold tight to your principles, even when they lead to very tough action. You don’t let feelings and emotions rule your actions and so you lack compassion and generosity at times.

Tertiary Character:Mance Rayder
Nickname:King Beyond the Wall
Traits:Inspiring, Formidable, Pioneer

Your tertiary character is Mance Rayder. You are a charismatic, calm, and determined man with strong leadership qualities. You tend to rise quickly through the ranks of any organization you enter. You have good social and diplomatic skills, allowing you to collaborate with many different types of people. You have an honest yet stern persona which earns you respect and admiration of those around you. You are very trusting which can be your greatest weakness. You value freedom above all else.


We are here to drink your beer / And steal your rum at the point of a gun…

trudelt verpeilt auf’s neue Sofa

Als Zweit und -Drittcharaktere habe ich Robb Stark :expressionless: und Mance Rayder anzubieten…mir war meine Männlickeit bis dato nicht bewusst… :sweat_smile:


Keine Sorge, ich bin auch total männlich. Meine Zweitcharaktere sind Stannis Baratheon und Mance Rayder.


So fängt es immer an…
Und plötzlich hacken sie Holz und tragen Feinripp. ploppt das Bier auf


Ohhhh auch eine gute Wahl, beide sind toll. Brienne und Davos!


Ich oute mich mal als jemand, der niemals auch nur eine Folge Game of Thrones gesehen hat.


Solange mir kein Damenbart wächst …bin ich glücklich…stellt die leere Bierflasche weg

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Wenn du einen Baum fällen kannst, darf der Bart stehenbleiben. nickt weise und streicht sich über den Bart

Die ersten Staffeln kann man gut schauen, das Ende sollte man eher vergessen.


Ich habe auf jeden Fall anscheinend voll die Führungsqualitäten mit Khal, Stannis und Mance. geht sich für irgendeinen wichtigen Job bewerben


Leider ja, die letzte Staffel habe ich geflissentlich ausgelassen


Ich wollte nicht in den Beitrag schreiben, aber Frage Mal hier in die Runde, ob ihr das auch so seht.
Arkanballweltmeisterschaft: in wie weit harmonisiert das mit der Lore Ball zu spielen mit Horde und Allianz. Es ist doch nur Waffenruhe oder brüchiger Frieden. Wie kann man dann Ball spielen mit dem „geduldeten Feind“

Die ist wirklich so schlecht.