Quest bug - highmountain-tauren series

Hi, there is a bug that cost me some hours already.
I would like to play the allie race, but finishing the quest is not possible.

I reached out to a GM, waited 3 days to get a automatic copy past answer, with no solution.

I came back to WoW, wanted to start with a new Char. nd know I am stuck for a week to finish this dam quest.

Here is a video of the bug:

You shape shift into old memories and now you are unbeatable, but you will do basically no damage.

I solved one quest and half of this one already, spending so much time doing nearly no damage. Changing the timeline doesn’t solve the issue, tried it 6 times, eater way. Leveled 10 levels to change the damage output, changed a little… But i wont level this char just to beat the quest.

I dunno…
Maybe i will quit again. Sadly no help from Support.

US WoW forum, I am not allowed to write a message there. :smiley:

Vorweg, du bist hier im Deutschen Forum gelandet :slight_smile:

Zu deinem Problem: Ja, es gibt Skalierungs Probleme bei einigen Quests/Raids. Manche davon wurden gefixt, manche nicht.

Wenn du das nicht möchtest, bleibt dir nichts anderes übrig, als den Bug Ingame zu melden und weiter zu warten. Könnte sich evtl. noch etwas ziehen.

Anleitung zum melden des Bugs:

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