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In dem Buch namens Progress Report: Uldorus ist folgendes zu lesen:
Brother Loken,
As you requested, I offer the following report on the progress toward our objectives.
I am pleased to say that the Halls of Infusion are now operational. Though the work of imbuing Order magic into the wellspring is only beginning, I remain optimistic that the process will prove effective.
Already we are detecting reduced levels of contamination. I hope your investigation into how Yogg-Saron compromised these living waters will yield answers.
In the meantime, we can be assured that the evolution of another Galakrond will not be triggered by consuming unfiltered water.
Once purification is complete, an additional benefit will be found in offering the infused water to dragonkind.
By ingesting the water (or causing their eggs to absorb its effects), it should be possible to keep even the most willful dragons aligned with the titans’ philosophies.
Our efforts to bring the proto-dragons in line have faced resistance, but I am formulating a strategy to speed the process along.
Construction of the facility atop the Halls of Infusion is proceeding apace.
Though the station is to be designated Uldorus, I must reluctantly report that the dragons have taken to calling the structure by the name Tyrhold.
I will do my best to ensure our titan-forged workforce does not also adopt this embarrassing pseudonym. But as of late, they seem to be expressing more and more opinions of their own.
In closing, let me underscore once again how fervently I disagree with the assertions of Prime Designate Odyn concerning the unsuitability of the Dragon Aspects.
I have every confidence that they will prove fervent allies on our shared goals of keeping the world structured and disciplined.
Ever your friend,
Keeper Tyr
Was haltet ihr davon ?
EDIT : weitere der insgesamt 5 Bücher sind in meinen Beiträgen weiter unten!