Bring back proper ultrawide support in D2 Resurrected

This is so disappointing! I was expecting a 2021 version of a classic game I loved. Instead I’m getting a 2008 version. Look guys, its now in W I D E S C R E E N H D .

Its obviously technically possible to do ultrawide. Please bring it back for the love of all things modern.

Absolutely ridiculous. PVP in this game doesn’t even matter anyway.

Making the game behave like crap on expensive monitors your customers bought is unacceptable.

Never buying another Activision game again. Scumbags.

What’s so hilarious about this stupid crap is that WORLD OF WARCRAFT supports ultrawide/32:9 monitors.

So it’s fine for WOW players to have a FOV advantage but the sky’s falling if it’s D2?

Screw you.

Only dumb people think ultrawide needs to be nerfed in games, let alone diablo. The most popular competitive games in the world fully support all sorts of aspect ratios, and the pros themselves do not “take advantage” of them… This is either a bug or they are kidding themselves into thinking the competitive integrity of their game 1) even exists, 2) is worth protecting, and 3) is compromised by ultrawide, all of which are false.


no full 5120x1440px support = refund cash for me ;/ Game looks like crap with black bars


Still can’t believe they did this to us, even as small community as UW fans, once you get to realise the benefits of the extra horizontal space you can’t never go back! It’s just so much more immersive and makes everything so much more fun and enjoyable.
I find it disgusting that an even less of a minority than our own community, the hardcore PVP complained about this, and Blizzard’s sollution was just to add soft black bars on the sides- taking a double deuce on our monitors basically, instead of trying to please everyone with just a toggle or something.
At the very least glad that I had the opportunity to enjoy the original masterpiece at it’s time of release. Still hope that it will get resolved properly and then only they will get my money back.


UW user here,

Don’t enable it Blizzard, there is no point. Diablo 2 engine was not built for UW and it will create an unfair advantage in the game. It will be noticeable on the PvP scene, as well as the PvE scene where you could just teleport a massive amount.

I would suggest to do the implementation different, make it viewable but not clickable? The layer of black vignette is causing the game to render underneath, kinda pointless that it would render but you can’t see.

I played with the original Diablo 2 for around 4000 Hours or more, and I played with the D2:R Alpha, it had Ultra Wide support (32:9, 3840x1080). I pre-ordered because it was supported and I really enjoyed the game. Now with the Beta test, I’m disappointed.


I really start thinking about not buying the game just because they remove the native 32:9 resolution from the game… too sad… Please take it back, please!

I do understand the reasoning behind this decision, but take a look at this response from Reddit as well:

Why don’t they toggle the black bars only when you’re playing PVP, and leave the rest alone?

Just fired up the beta and was all excited until I saw the black bars. Lost another customer, what a joke. They’ll probably pull the same shít with Diablo 4. Luckily there are alternatives if Blizzard doesn’t want our money.

Edit: it won’t come back:

Sigh… Yet another blizz game that isn’t getting my money for the same exact reason, not that I was too inclined to give blizz any money anyway with the recent news about them.

Blizzard why do you hate UW users and do everything you can to alienate us?

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Haven’t slapped a refund button so fast in my entire life.
Another great game ruined.
This year was just full of disappointment.

Blizzard. The only gaming company that does EXTRA work to ensure people can’t play the game with their screen’s native resolution. I was tempted to try the game but probably won’t bother if I’m going to be made to stare and a bunch of black bars for no reason.

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Yes, really bad they dont support 32:9… Was looking forward to play fullscreen, but with those big black bars i dont know…

these Motherfuckers actually removed Widescreen support and added fucking black Bars.
I can’t belive i’ve trusted Blizzard and paid them money…

i.imgur /SnJ8nxX.jpg

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It was removed because they discovered it broke the AI and would give unfair advantages to people not playing ultarawide.

Then let us use that space for something else, like INVENTORY or a MAP.

YES THIS EXACTLY! i was gonna but the game but as soon as i heard theyre taking away true ultrawide support i changed my mind. why not just implement the black bars during pvp?? its such a simple fix. i want to play this for the story i dont care much about pvp. please bring back the ultrawide support so i can purchase and play the game

This is just terrible. I hate the black bars, and knowing it was available in the alpha makes me sad.

Why did you remove UW support - If I want low res, I can just enable legacy mode :frowning: