Connection isuess

When trying to login on the desktop app, just keeps coming up with “attempting to reconnect” and doesn’t move off of this. However, when logging in on a browser there are no issues at all. Is there a way this can be fixed and is anyone else having the same problems?


I am having the same problem, have been having this problem now for 1 whole day and I dont understand why, its very annoying, been trying to uninstall and then installing again, and nothing happens. benn checking forums but no answer.

Same issue here. Stuck on login page, it just says “connecting” and then fails to login. Battlenet has been working flawlessly untill this morning, haven’t changed anything. Researched and tried every solution possible, clearing caches, appdata, temp, programdata, reinstalling Bnet, updating Nvidia drivers, restarting router, disconnecting/reconnecting in CMD with ipconfig. I found an old post with people having issues with hotmail accounts… this is what im using maybe its the same thing for others? Please respond to this blizzard and give us a proper solution


same here,cant log in battlenet app i am in offline mode

Aaaaand same here. Helpu?

have any of you made a ticket?
i made a ticket but the answer i got was, fix your firewall bla bla bla…
I did it all…nothing is fixed…so…waiting again for an answer of the ticket…this is just stupid to be honest everything worked fine the 4th and the 5th it stopped working.

If any of you are with Tele2… see this topic:

including the reply by Blizzard.

Also, the same issue has also been reported on the US forums…

Some of the players reporting issues have US-BattleTags… but there are many posts by European posters (the numeric part of the BattleTag starts with a “2”).

Good luck with this !

I suppose I should add that this forum here is for feedback or suggestions on the Battle.Net Desktop App – there are no Blizzard Tech Support staff here.

yeah I have tele2 dont tell me they are screwing up something…ffs

If you want to test Blizzard solution with a simple script, use this, it’s home made.
It will purge cache of Battle Net client and force him to re-dl and regenerate its own agent, based of the manual solution from FAQ.
I decided to write this because this issue is not the first time.

Create a text file and call it “Clear Battle Net.bat
Run this Batch in admin mode.

In Notepad paste this :

@echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)

echo On vire les processus avant de commencer...
taskkill /f /im Agent.exe /t
taskkill /f /im* /t

PING -n 3 -w 1000 127.1 >NUL

echo Nettoyage des fichiers temporaires Windows...

:: on nettoie les fichiers temporaires de Windows

erase "%TEMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TEMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%TMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

:: rem on nettoie le cache de Battle.Net
echo Nettoyage de Battle Net...
PING -n 3 -w 1000 127.1 >NUL

del /f /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\\*.*
rd /s /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\\Cache"
rd /s /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\\BrowserCache"
rd /s /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\\WidevineCdm"
rd /s /q "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment"
rd /s /q "%ProgramData%\Blizzard Entertainment"
rd /s /q "%APPDATA%\Blizzard Entertainment"

:: On régénère l'Agent
rd /s /q %ProgramData%\\Agent

echo FIN.
PING -n 2 -w 1000 127.1 >NUL

Now run Battle Net Launcher again and take a cup of coffee ^^


Been talking to Tele2. They will escalate the issue.

I asked them to check if they made any changes to NAT or if they got new Core Switch/System.

They asked me to tell you all to call if you have this issue, if more people that calls, it will be easier to escalate it faster.
They are working half day today, so call asap. He also told me that, If they start working with this today it might be solved earliest Thuesday maybe Wednesday.

But I suggest you all call them. If the queue is too long they can call you up as they did to me

Have you called Tele2 yet ?

Vectra (Poland) seems to have a similar issue… according to the topic on the WoW forums.

I actually solved the problem by installing a VPN and changing my location to UK instead of Sweden.

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