Currency for Ukraine is UAH not RUR. Make the Shop in UAH

Йдуть вони в спину ! Вони на стороні орків або грошей ! ! ! Я їм більше копійки не дам ! Вірити в їх людяність, це всеодно що вірити в людяність орків. Гроші які раніше тратив на покупку часу в варкрафті, на свому акаунті, на акаунті дружини та сина, передам на підтримку полку Азов ! Зараз не той час щоб сидіти і оркам щось доводити !

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І ще дурже, в Україні триває не конфлікт, а війна і геноцид !


це писали блізи мені на мейл, я описав це вище.
те що в нас війна та геноцид зрозуміло усьому цивілізованому світові, а ті хто в це не вірить можете самі в цьому легко перконатися, є безліч доказів того…

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Хай приїдуть до мене в Бучу, подивляться.

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As I understand, nothing happened, Blizzard still accepts only RUR from Ukrainian residents suffering from a brutal invasion of russian barbarians? I think we should highlight this fact on social networks and media. Every customer should know how Blizzard supports genocide.


Blizzard! When will the damn rubles disappear from your store?
And when will there be a normal currency for payments, the hryvnia for example?
I will not renew the WOW subscription and will not buy anything until the Ukrainian hryvnia is added as a currency for payment.


I support colleagues who write above. Are there so few players in Ukraine?! that Blizzard is not interested in solving this problem? Most likely yes, it’s not interesting … because they can solve it. I’m very indignant! :rage: :rage: :rage:


This is ridiculous. This has been issue for years. One would think this war would force Blizzard to correct this ridiculous and insulting issue but no, Blizzard still expects payment in rubbles from citizens of country when rubble has never been accepted currency.
Would be great if this got some traction in social media


invasion of rapists, murderers, monsters, none human, Putin stupid dumb ass crap military
lets hope his nukes are as crap as the rest of there army and turn back home to Russia never will there be a ussr because NATO is way ahead and its about maintaining peace.
Stop all connection with Russia like so many quality businesses have and yes it is about the Russian people there nuts…

Just got an email. Finally.

New currencies available on®
starting May 4, 2022® regularly reviews the currencies we support on the platform. Following the most recent assessment, we are planning to add several new currencies to the platform. These new currencies include:

  • Georgian Lari
  • Turkish Lira
  • Kazakhstani Tenge
  • Ukrainian Hryvna

We anticipate these changes to go live on or after May 4, 2022. Feel free to contact customer support if you have further questions or concerns.

We’ll see you online!


Received email too, many thx from Ukraine :heart:


Thanks a lot for new available currencies such as Ukrainian Hryvna or Georgian Lari after May 4, 2022. It’s wise.


Big thanks from Ukraine!!!


still no patch for currencies. WTF. Blizzard!?


You have done a terrible job.
I’m from Ukraine. After adding my currency to the store, prices increased by 20-50% compared to prices in rubles. Please adjust the prices according to the current exchange rate or return the old currency.

Dude, what the hell return the old currency? You should be banned


After adding UAH the prices got higher on approx 25% than it were before. What a shame!
Please make normal prices for UAH.


Blizzard, thank you for adding hryvnias.
But why do I have to pay more than what is written on the price tag?
Price in the store in UAH. I pay in UAH.
Where did the double conversion come from?

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What is interesting - I’ve tried VISA card of Privatbank, and Blizzard billing was come with double conversion (which was refused). After that I tried MasterCard of another bank, it came thru without double conversion. Will try to create virtual MasterCard at Privatbank next time, it might work without double conversion. Although it would be better if Blizzard billing page would allow to turn off internal conversion, as other sites do.

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I’m sorry but you are wrong. Last time I was billed (in RUB) it was charged with equal to somewhat around 8 euros. With current price in UAH it is still somewhat around 8 euros (look at conversion rates around, please). Well, it might be 3-4% increase still but that is negligible I think.