Fix your SMS authenticator!

hello, so i bought MW III and i have been trying to play and keeps asking for phone number verification, i had to change my number 2 times and tried different accounts also i set up my authenticator app. i tried to press resend every 10 minutes or so and now i can’t anymore. and yes my service provide is working just fine and i also rebooted my phone i tried every solution and yet can’t receive sms from them fix it please


Same issue here. Bought MW3 and unable to play as the SMS verification is just broken. I’ve tried 2 different phone numbers, each with a different cell carrier and nothing… got timed out for too many requests and 24hrs later when it reset I’m still not receiving the SMS code.

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Same issue here, honestly don’t know what they were thinking adding the SMS protection and not checking it actually works first

any fix guys? same here

Looks like you did find a fix…

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It’s been almost a week and i face same issue. I tried every solution that their support team said and i still can’t receive sms verification code. This system should not be there in first place as long as we pay for a game. It would be much easier with email verification instead.

Maybe he is from USA that’s why it worked. I’ve tried multiple phone numbers with different carrier and i can’t receive any sms code at all.

Having the same problem! Anyone find a fix ?

Same i dont get any message

Will they give us at least some answer?
They would have already written the news that you broke everything. And then we sit and don’t know what to do. I am already ready to buy the game in steam, if not for my progress

So the Authenticator is going soon and will be inside the app which you need to access to get to the authenticator to log in to which needs to be authenticated by the authenticator which you will only be able to access by verifying your 2 step account and password by using the in app authenticator which you can access by installing the new app which requires verification… hang on mobius, why fix that which is not broken. God I hope Microsoft will fix all this.

Only reply by Blizzard that I’ve seen so far:

Hey all,

Just chiming in to repeat what Neighbour mentioned above. We have seen multiple reports of SMS messages not being sent for Call of Duty verification and general attaching of numbers. At this time I have no additional information such as what’s going on or an ETA on a fix. We’ll post here if there is any updates regarding the situation. Thanks for everyone’s understanding and patience while this is sorted out.

ref :

I suppose I should add that this forum is for providing feedback on the Battle.Net Desktop App – aka the Launcher. It is not meant as a forum to get help with the Launcher.

For issues with the Launcher, you need to use the Desktop App Tech Support forum.

stuck with the same. i had my phone number about a year ago verified. now i dont get the sms on the same number that is already verified but mw3 wants to verify it again. i asked support to remove the number and tried to add the same number again. it says it sent the code but i never get it. this went on for 2 days as i retried everytime. now on the 3rd day when i add the same number to get a code it says to enter a postpaid code. so suddenly my number out of nowhere automatically became prepaid. (even though it was always prepaid). what is this joke i spent 100$ on that profile in a year and i cant access it. it has been weeks

Also had this issue, updates?