It's a busy day for Blizzard

Llevo todo el puto día trabajando, para llegar a casa y tener que hacer las mierdas del hogar rápidamente y poder viciarme un par de horas al warzone.
Ahora mismo estoy bién rabioso y me apetece clavarle a quien sea un gancho en la columna y arrastrarlo por los suelos como un gusano.
PD: Dicen que quieren despedir a mucha gente en blizzard, puede que se deba a eso.

PD2. Gggrrryyyaaaaaa!!! >=( Ojalá una Tenia les coma por dentro a todos los que están por delante de mi en la cola >=(

hh i log in after 2h for find out i need update client and force me to restart it now i am back in que 180 min nice

This is BULLSHIT Call Of Duty must move back to steam!!! I never had any issues with steam ever!!! Activision, get your shit together!!! And for Blizzard… FKN prepare for SHIT like this people. I was on 20min in the queue now I am back on 182 min WTF!!! I have been waiting for a fullll 2 hours to log in Blizzard… BULLSHIT!!! Some people don’t even have a queue they log straight in no problem!!! You are holding up your Partner games FKN fix it!!!


ther should be a little globe next or beneath it

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just borrow more servers from TechFriendly to account for bulking on COD release and New Seasons or build and install new ones in about 25minutes at Microsoft Way

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i can login on my mobile with no problem, but on my laptop it’s an endless queue…

for steam, never was problem like this! I think, steam have more users and download rates then blizzard! Blizzard is some kinda shity servers! Activision, please change the platform, better for you and your clients!


wish could post a pick - only other options in the wait window is “go offline” and “more info”

i dont know why blizzard always have this issues on release days

Good - just over 2 hours wait now - was 10 hours earlier :slight_smile:


i think if you click go offline you can change server not sure but might restart que

So it gets back to 10 hours?

Check for your official statement from the tech personnel, here’s what will typically happen with a combined KR, EU, US server: the login cache will implode on lines of code that accidentally trips the calendar for asia to try to align with the calandar for EU, and US, which registers when people have logged in or out, which is also wrongly aligned to NEW SEASON, NEW MONTH or MONTH, and SEASON

I can understand that Blizzard is having some server issues, but what annoys me most is that I’ve paid for a service that I can’t use. Why dont they give another free day in compensation?

come on when blizzard fix that issue ???

And then they wonder why people pirate their games. Spent the whole evening trying to play a single §§§§§ player campaign in CD:MW.


Well damn, for some reason I had to wait to login, but when I went offline and launched WoW, I was able to get in without any problem… Like wtf is going on?

Paying people need space. Free warzone… F**k you!

omg from 40 drop me to 85??? wtf

lol ~110 mins, what the f is going on