SC2 is lagging the shit in lobby

Some people seems to have problem with laggy lobby before even enter the game. Is it someone else that have this problem in the writing moment? I never had any problems before but it seem to overflow the computer with info so it start to lagg and in the end stop working, and this even before entering a game.

It never lag for me normally not even ingame.

I play on the european server

the lagging started after recent update.

I’m in NA server.


This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games – old games such as Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

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Same here. when the custom games start it does not lag, but inside arcade lobby its very very laggy.

Re-read, very very carefully, the post just above yours. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i have also this issue. Last time i could play normal it was on tuesday evening.
On wednesday i coudl start sc2, but then it freezes. I cannot logout of sc2, or switch to my normal windows desktop.

I can reboot or logoff to windows. And then logon again, but not use sc2.

i tried some old idea’s but it did not work: Starcraft 2 startup suddenly slow

I guess its because of an update of the battlenet launcher.