Same here. i’m waiting 10 minutes before game loads, just seeing an annoying loading bar going left to right
same here last few day cant even play, every time i start a co-op mission
it get stuck or disconnected after a minute or 2
i tried the repair , flush dns, restart to the router, nothing works
and it is only in the game.
any ideas?
There is a way to get fix it and is funny that they tell us sorry our game does not work for like 2 weeks we still don’t have eta to answer I guess Starcraft 2 is death like the company.
Same Problem here. I even reinstalled Windows now but it does not help. I noticed the problem came up after i added another language to the game. Unfortunatly the problem does not go away if i switch back the language.
I wonder if Blizzard actually pay these people for messing up there games? I guess not, they are not stupid, right?
Same for me! And it happened after I bought the full game! Before that I had only Wings of Liberty … decided to by the other parts and after I did the game started to load for a very long time.
How can this still be an unresolved issue? Lots of People are experiencing it, it just started for me after I changed nothing (I probably did, something insignificant not SC2 related) and Blizzard still doesn’t manage to give the people that paid 180€ for 3 games the abillity to play the game normally, TEN YEARS after release?
And your billion $$$ company troubleshooting advice is “uhh this one guy said he opened a port…try that”
I would say issue still persists. Checked with Wireshark, looks like sc2 (in my case) tries to connect to some blizzard IP address in the Netherlands, and waits some freakingly long timeout. The thing is if I disable LAN, game launches in less than a second, but still if you have not disabled it this could take up to 10 minutes. No issues after launch, no issues with login from inside a game and no lags whatsever while playing
So, my workaround currently is to disable LAN in case I would like to play right now, and then enable it just after game starts. From Wireshark it looks like sc2 get some response after a long time.
Since this is not working always like this (approx 80% of the time) I would guess it is just some tracking service or something like this because it does not affect gameplay at all and people tend to forget and mismanage such things. No answer from @Ixthocaesil still, hopefully it is not forgotten already
I can confirm this. Disable LAN, game launches in few seconds, but if not disabled up 10 min. You can add firewall rule, block all to sub net. This also fix issue.
Disabling LAN every time I wanted to play quickly got annoying, especially as I usually chat with people on discord while playing so I wrote a little program that does that for me automatically. It takes so little time that discord only goes quite for ~3 seconds.
Heres a link to my GitHub where you can download it!
It doesn’t collect any data about you and is safe. The code isn’t the best, but again, it’s a quick fix not a permanent solution, Blizzard has to do that one.
Hah, time for code review! Ah, you, have not renamed anything from the default project… Also, you actually have a race condition here, so I am not sure it would work well every time
I guess it would be better to just write simple bat file instead of C# application. This would be more obvious and secure. I am too wary to run some exe from the internet.
So, here it is based on your C# code. I checked and looks like it works. So, now it lives on my Desktop as SC2.bat
REM you could set proper path based on your SC2 installation
start "SC2Launch" "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\SC2Switcher_x64.exe"
REM asks to disconnect from current network
ipconfig /release
REM wait for sc2 to start for 5 seconds. You can adjust it based on the last number here
ping localhost -n 6
REM asks to get ip address again
ipconfig /renew
Remind me of good old days when I was writing bat file to play Cossacks Art of War because explorer.exe on newer windows versions was breaking color palette, so my bat file was killing explorer.exe, then started a game, and started explorer.exe again when game was finished.
IP address is different and I guess it depends on your location. So, unless you monitor where the app connects it is not so easy to know which one to block
Haha, I knew someone would look and laugh at the code. Yeah, I bodged this in like 20 minutes, so it works for me and my friends, but they convinced me to post about it so others can use it. Yours is much better, of course it isn’t an 8MB C# program. I’m currently trying to make it better by disabling the internet just for SC2.
Btw, thanks for pointing out there was a race condition, I totally didn’t see that one.
Blizzard, we’ve go to fix this. It can’t be that people fix this timeout issue using batch files that cut the network to the computer to break the timeout
Same here, very slow startup time.
Earlier it was 2-5 seconds, now it is around 30-60 seconds
I got a new computer yesterday, and had the same problem.
Then I installed and ran wow.
After that the problem with sc2 was fixed.
Hey! I’ve got the same problem. is tehre still no patch / fix?
I’m still having this issue as well, Game is starting in approx. 5 (minutes), Campaign Mission in about 10, crashes after 2.
Thanks a lot - works for me!
Indeed, it worked for me… Thanks a lot, but it’s not normal.
Thanks man! Works for me