WOW problem to get in

This community is so toxic not even in game, when people wants to play. Yes the game is not working right now and so what? Bugs happens, everything is written(code) by people. You never did a mistake or what? Don’t tell me that you did mistake only once at work and got fired for that? Lol. Just be patient.

You also pay for a product that you cant use.
Maybe you have time to wait and play when ever but sadly not everyone is that lucky.

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yeah same here. cant log in either at all on any max level character. works from time to time on low lvl chars for some reason


yess i’ve noticed that too i just logged in into classic and it works just fine

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And when you messed up something at work and other people must wait for you, because they are paying your salary then it’s okay? One hour won’t kill you.

nah man, Same shit.

They should hire more bots would prolly fix it

For me it works, might be a login screen or addon

same here, can’t chose my character

In case anything happens again, it’s best to use the World of Warcraft forums as this forum is for feedback about the battle net desktop app. I’m afraid you wont find any game specific information here.

Updates regarding issues can usually be found on the launcher, the character selection screen and twitter.

I had the same issues, but finally fixed it :slight_smile: