Auction House Lag

I’ve already submitted a support ticket regarding this issue, but I was provided with some general troubleshooting steps and advised to seek further assistance here on the forums.

I’m facing a significant auction house lag issue on my home server, Darksorrow EU. The problem is affecting my ability to interact with the auction house effectively, and it’s becoming increasingly frustrating.

Here are the specific issues I’m encountering:

  1. Auction House Window Lag: It takes around 5 seconds just to open the auction house window. Every search query also experiences a delay of at least 5 seconds. This makes it incredibly difficult to purchase items. I frequently receive the “This item is no longer available” message, which happens almost 99% of the time. It can take over 10 minutes of constant attempts just to purchase a single stack of 200 ores. For someone who engages in gold making, this lag makes playing the auction house almost impossible.
  2. Auction Listings Not Updating: When I post items for sale, they often don’t appear on my auction list, preventing me from canceling or reposting auctions. This issue is severely hindering my ability to manage my auctions.

I understand that the recent expansion release and the increased number of players might be influencing Auction House performance, but I decided to test the auction house on another realm—specifically Draenor EU—and experienced no lag at all. Search queries were nearly instant, with no delays, and the auction listings updated correctly.

This leads me to believe that the lag issue is specific to Darksorrow EU. I’ve tested this across multiple computers and internet connections, with and without addons, and the auction house lag is consistently worse on Darksorrow.

Given that the issue doesn’t appear on other servers, I’m convinced this isn’t a client-side problem. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues on Darksorrow EU, or does anyone have any insights into why this might be happening?

Is there anything that can be done to address this server-specific problem? The current state of the auction house is making it nearly unusable, and any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Turalyon (EU) server has auction lag too.


Same problem on Silvermoon.


Silvermoon EU is real bad… Worst part is i lost plenty of Rank 3 Enchants i put out.
The item disapeared from AH after i put it out. It’s gone from my bag, and no were to be found. i checked everywhere. even in bank,warband all places to see if it went somewere.

Same thing happned when i canceled item’s i was undercut on. the items are gone… and not listed anymore. BUT didnt pop in my mail box for over 10 hours?.. something is really messed up.

I put quite expensive items out there so would suck if they cant fix this.


A support ticket to report a bug, is a waste of time, because the GM’s aren’t on the QA team, or the Development teams.

You need to make a bug report, which goes to the development team directly.


Yep same issue here. Takes forever to open anything, all I want is some Khaz’gorite ore but it keeps saying ‘its no longer available’ then I get caught in a loop. Despite nothing seemingly being sold or disappearing.


Just had a frustrating experience in Silvermoon - bought a 561 ilvl item for 15k gold, but received a 434 ilvl item in the mail instead. Also, whenever I try to purchase cheaper gear, I keep getting the ‘item no longer available’ message, while the overpriced ones go through without a problem. I suspect heavy bot traffic is behind this mess.


After canceling some items I get error “the item was not found” and they are still on the ah…


We bought the epic version of the game and paid almost double price however I couldn’t use AH. Please do something for auction house its realy lagy


Same on Bladefist.

Am unable to purchase an item on the AH because “item no longer available,” although the total amount (in thousands) available on the auction house doesn’t change between queries.

What a mess.

Same issues, AH is unusable. Can’t post or buy anything.


It’s super laggy. Please fix it Blizzard.

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It’s the same here on Azjol-Nerub EU.

The lag feels as if the maximum AH throttle is always active (which normally kicks in only after about 60 canceled auctions in a row). It takes 4 or 5 seconds to cancel or place an auction currently.

This started last Friday, IIRC. Maybe they are super-throttling the AH to get extra bandwidth for the TWW launch.

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AH is dead ATM, I can’t buy a thing.Addons are normally great a very useful but something is wrong now, caused by speculants scanning nonstop auctions.Blizzard should force addon creators to include some 60 min CD on full scans.


Is not only lagging but you put items for sale and they disappeared …


Same thing on Blackmoore-EU. Some items I put up vanished. High taffic materials are not buyable because “item not found”. Fix the lag and change the stupid system that you can only buy the lowest priced auction because when 50 people want to buy Bismuth all will automatically try to buy the lowest cause there is no other option. Guess what 49 wont be able to and try again causing all those errors. 2 years since regional AH mess and still nothing changed. For what did I pay the epic edition.


Same for EU_DrakThul, totally useless…

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Extremely laggy AH on Chamber of Aspects, too. Just now I listed a stack of 1000 bismuth ore and it completely disappeared from my “auctions” tab. Wth is going on???

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Same here on Ravencrest - so laggy - please fix blizz


Blackhand Auction House doesn’t work at all right now. You can’t even search for items…

Please, any statement would be much appreciated. US doesn’t have these AH problems. It’s the expansion start. Working AH is very important for some people.

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