580 in queue... on a sunday noon

Why aren’t you people at church!?


It’s insane, why after i’ve paid for this game I have to wait in queue?
Not a fair service.

179 в очереди. что за беспредел? Я заплатил за право играть, вы это оценили в денежном эквиваленте, но я права лишился (не могу поиграть тогда, когда хочу). соответственно, я в праве просить компенсацию или возврат средств! я не прав? близарды достали… почему я должен ждать по полчаса - часу в очереди?! запросы на компенсацию закрывают, мол, ты и так уже поиграл много

I was trying to connect to D2R the complete sunday.
The queue was everytime between 120 and 310. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Sorry, but how should this work?
I pay for a game where the developer is blocking me from playing it?! :money_with_wings:

Be patient, there is only one server, with 160 MHZ Pentium CPU, and 128 MB Edo RAM. That is only enough for 2000 players at the same time. :wink:

Error after 30min waiting in Q (this morning) “Blizzard” downfall… burn to trash your callofmyass and do what d2 deserve = SERVERS!

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there’s a queue at church too

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same here, whenever i find some free time to relax in the game, am still on line waiting for queue to countdown and if u exit try to reenter still goes up instead of down…arghh…

We didn’t have that nonsense in D2 except for ladder characters but for casual players like most of us, this is just nonsense. Just let us host our own games as we used to

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Today i try to play D2 REU servin 2 h i play 3minin rest queue.It absurde!

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when will you return the money to us?
when will you have stable servers?
when will you finally learn to maintain it?
omg Blizzard !

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It’s funny how they said they will implement queue system to handle heavy traffic periods. Guess prime time is 24 hours a day.

Shit servers, shit company.

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Absolutely inadmissible
And meanwhile the ad hack bots are connected
it’s miserable …

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i logged in 10 minutes ago and since then i am on position 67… the queue seems to work fine…

I’m starting to wish they would region lock the game until the server issues are fixed.

There’s literally no time to play because players from other regions server hop to avoid their own queues.

why don’t we have money in the account yet?

servers are dead, people left…

I love the queue that never evolves…

It’s Friday afternoon, not peak hours, yet there is a queue. 93 when I logged in 15 minutes ago, 53 now, what is the point of Blizzard? Do they actually do anything other than launch games badly?

spot 194 in queue for over 30 minutes. please give us information, blizzard. what is your plan fixing this? are you just ignoring us till we all leave so the queue is empty?

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