All character wiped (Login Issues)

I have the same problem. My online character was deleted. What is going on guys? I thought this was supposed to be cleared already!

All of my characters are not showing up too. Letā€™s just hope its some temporary server issues and our characters are not gone for good.

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Question is - should we create new chars or wait for return of the old ones. I was just picking up pace and getting my gear together. Now i have to start over again. That was about 12 hours playtime lostā€¦

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i got the same issueā€¦ account is empty

Good question @christacha. I am probably just going to wait until they come back. If itā€™s just server connection issues we might be fine.

If its a data problem and they have to roll back, we might lose all the progress weā€™ve made between now and when they rollback.

Same hereā€¦ no characters left on my accountā€¦

same issue here closed a game and characters vanished

i have the same issues guys. The lobby was bugged and had to log out. When logging back in, all characters are gone.

Lost all characters as well this morning too. I had one of each and theyā€™re all gone.

Same here. I just lost all my characters and I canā€™t create a new one. Iā€™m assuming this is a server issue and we should get our characters back. If we actually lose our characters permanently Iā€™m gonna be so pissed.

same problem. all my characters lost

Same here, my characters donĀ“t appear. Hopefully itĀ“s just a server issue and will be back soon.

Same here, dont see any of my characters.

lost all 3 of my accounts 2 of then lev 80

It seems to be a server issue. Hopefully this will be resolved soonā€¦

All chars gone here also.

My chars gone here also

I lost all my characters that i spend lots of time grindingā€¦ TF the devs are doing?! this is why this gameis better of to be completely offline to not be affected of this kind of problem

EU Sweden, all online characters gone as well.

Is this the time to finally say old friend goodbye? I bought the game yesterday and rushed my character to 51. And today lost that progress. Pretty sad. Btw can u refund? :smiley:

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