i have read New Blizzard conditions and just wanna ask if Blizzard do something against peoples who have automatic program for Character - Bots ,and if is any way to report this …
Game i much better without this … much better.
i have read New Blizzard conditions and just wanna ask if Blizzard do something against peoples who have automatic program for Character - Bots ,and if is any way to report this …
Game i much better without this … much better.
Kurze Antwort: Ja
Ausführliche Antwort: Activision Blizzard unternimmt natürlich etwas gegen all die bösen Bots auf den Servern. Selbstverständlich sind die Bots Activision Blizzard bekannt und Activision Blizzard wird definitiv etwas gegen all die Bots unternehmen. Man sieht es ja gut in WoW: Dort sind Bots auch ein großes Problem. Und Activision Blizzard weiß auch hier über dieses Problem - welches vielen Spielern ein Dorn im Auge ist - bescheid.
Denn wir alle wissen, dass Activision Blizzard ein Unternehmen ist, welches kompromisslos für Kundenzufriedenheit, besten Support und höchstes Engagement im Bereich hoher Qualitätsstandards steht.
In WoW beispielsweise wird jeden Tag hart dafür gekämpft diese störenden Bot-Accounts, die das Spiel gekauft haben und aktive Abogebühren jeden Monat zahlen und somit für Umsatz sorgen, endlich von den Servern gebannt werden und somit diese Einnahmequelle endgültig versiegt.
Genau aus diesem Grund wird Activision Blizzard unter jedem Preis für uns arme Spieler dafür kämpfen, dass auch in D2 all die Bot-Accounts endlich von den Servern geworfen werden.
Ein Hoch auf Activision Blizzard! Ein Unternehmen, welches so hart und unermüdlich für unser Wohlergehen und unseren Spielspaß in ihren Spielen sorgt. Und das jeden Tag, zu jeder Stunde. Weiter so, Acivision Blizzard!
What about just make some programming to this game, when somebody wanna play same name of game, but its different only numbers of game - just short it to maximum 5 games going with same name.
I know … baalruns and other exping games.
But every player who using bot, start this, when he go to the work/scool or sleep and game name is still same. Only this numbers are not…
Think about this. Easy and useful.
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I dont want to make sleep this topic, so i have some of ideas how to beat this peoples who are not honest to play this game without PC programing and make this game much worst.
For administrator of this forum … please give me you email. Not public email i mean. Or some other opportunity to communicate. I want to write my ideas to you and help with this problem. Easy and fast.
I wholeheartedly agree, these people are just undermining the efforts of genuine players who put the time in to build their characters. Besides, what do you do when you’ve ‘botted’ your character to level 99 and bought all your perfect gear of JSP ? Run around for a day doing what exactly ?
For me the very point of this game is about the ‘journey’ and incrementally bettering your build with each piece of equipment you find. Someone who turns around around and says “They dont have the time” is just silly.
I know the majority of these idiots just sit there watching their ‘bot’ perform, hypocritically wasting the very ‘time’ they claim ‘not to have’ in the first place.
Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should … It’s all very stupid.
I mean first of all this mentally challenged german guy sorry for that, some of my fellow natives are just not able to speak proper/english at all and try to justify it somehow. But yeah back to the topic Blizzard has been really and I mean REALLY bad against botting. Some examples and some personal exp with them.
D2/R has a long history of botting jsp alone was (probably still is) a hacking guide side and there are obviously several others aswell. Do you remember the launch of D2R? Me too that was mainly caused by bot floods testing their tools, which means what we had on launch take that times like 20x what we will have on the first remake ladder.
D3 is actually pretty easy designed for banning bots, cause you can hop on peoples profiles (which they cannot put on private like in Overwatch where the majorty of players there are hiding their aimbots with like McCree, Soldier, Tracer and Widowmaker when it’s like 90%+ accuracy or boosted people who have like 50+ hours on those characters and were like bronze last season and “miracly” 2 or more elos higher than they’re supposed to be and playing other characters) and can literally almost ban everyone in the top 100 after like 2 weeks, when their offseason paragon is around 12k+, which is not possible as human even if you play offseason, what almost nobody does, but even those guys don’t get banned unless they get caught like RedX when he went to bed and forgot to turn off the stream. Here the clip RedX botting
World of Warcraft what I experienced myself a lot seeing it. I saw people flyhacking when it was not available yet charging up mountains with ground mounts, I saw the Asmongold video with a whole raid of boomies running in programmed way spamming starfall and moonfire, then we have the herb gathering 5 man multibox snakes which I saw during BFA in Nazjatar and other areas, completly ruining farming and the econemy for everyone else and last but not least leather farmers not reacting to messages being completly on auto pilot for several days straight reporting them over and over and over and yet they were still there farming.
My fascit is that Blizzard doesn’t do enough against them, I feel like the only thing they do about that matter is sending out pointless banwaves every 3 or even 6 months (once), which practicly does nothing.
implement weekly bot ban, please stop allowing game tp be ruined by those who play it to enjoy it, instead of manipulate, hack, and exploit for money.
This right here i wholeheartedly agree with this!.
And to add the thing that annoys me the most are players in mmos and in games like these that want everything handed to them on a silver plate and plus complain while grouped with them that they have no time to play and need to leave in the middle of a run im like ripping my hair out thinking "why the hell did you start playing at all today if you dont have time or why do you play mmos or rpgs like these in general if you dont have time to spare.
This game is a commitment its not FPS Call of Duty or battle royale short lasting.