Cant find any unique items. Is MF broken?

Ive been running lvl 88 bone/explosion necro with 269% MF for about 2 weeks, but all ive got from consecutive mausoleum/pit/diablo/mephisto/pindle runs is ~10 uniques under lvl 41 and a tonn of starting set pieces (like Sigons).
I dont remember Diablo II being this scummy.


Nope, everything is fine with MF.


Random is random. If you throw a 6 sided die 1000 times, the results is likely to look fairly even, but if something has a 1 in 10000 chance to drop you’d need billions of attempts before starting to expect distributions to even out.

This game is designed to give random loot. Fits poorly with builds requiring specific items. Try to find class/builds fitting gear you’ve found rather than the other way around. Alternatively, trade or use less gear dependent builds

I have a 350mf sorc and andariel dropped nothing last few runs. Sometimes she drops one magic item. Same for mephisto, diablo and baal.

But on the other hand I got many good items (perfect mara, viper, …).

So it’s just a phase of bad luck.

269 is a rookie numbers

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I feel something changed, the drop rate is lower than ~2 weeks ago.
I have been MFing around with over 400 MF for the past month, I feel it drops much less good items in the past 2 weeks.
Maybe less players will be causing troubles for the server if you don’t have a reasonable chance to get good items by MF. :smiley:


lvl 88 sounds like not farming a lot actually or constantly dying

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The drops are lower in the past 2 weeks. They probably made it like this to constrain the player base to perma farm ingame.
Lets not forget the streamers as we know they have preferential drops so they can promote the game to the end user.


Where did you buy your tinfoil hat? I want to get one too


From the same place where you bought your little brain.


says the guy pushing the message about personal loot tables, lol


I see that someone missed math class in highschool. This is how fucking probabilities work…you either are lucky, or you just repeat and repeat…and than repeat some more until rng rolls something sweet and the loot table gods select something good. 300Mephisto runs…no freaking Shako, but a council member decided to drop a Jah(1:650000 chances)…pure luck. Anything over 350-400mf is wishfull thinking and placebo, without any great effect on the actual mf-ing.

l.e: i know mf doesn’t influence rune drops…just making a point

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The loot is bugged atm, this is known isuue.
anyway,some guys here will tell you that this is random and you need to farm 10 more years to be sure


as weird as this may sound, i do notice difference between the first weeks and the last 2 weeks.

I know it’s all just RNG but the first weeks with like under 50% mf i’d be finding allot of valuable items compared to 405% mf now

As said so often, why do this threads always start and deal with : i think, i feel, i notice …

The drop chances are known, the influence of mf is known, just go and simply calculate probabilities in basically every case you
a) will be suprised how off your feelings are from reallity
b) what “true” randomness means in terms of drops
c) that there most certainly is no hint towards evidence that something is broken

If c) is not true in your specific case just show your data so one really has the opportunity to maybe find things which are really away from expectation but stop judging something like probabilitie of whatever by feelings or just streakes of bad luck, that might feel strange but if you look at the math are totally fine


I played a lot of original LoD, MF on 99 sorc etc, and the very first thing I noticed here was that MF item drop rates were very much off of what they used to be…
You can even notice this reflected in the trading offers, different economy.
Don’t pay attention to idiots who have no idea what they are talking about trying to tell you “it’s all your own fault” lel.


really? any examples?

Again : “i noticed”

You noticing something is just a perception and not a measure.

Perhaps useful data would be:

500 pindle runs og d2 50mf
500 pindle runs d2r 50mf
And the same for 250 mf

Write down everything that dropped.

Even though that sample size might still be way to low it would be a reasonable starting point (at least when taking into account all items and not just uniques) to try to dig through some numbers.

To much effort to do something like this, totally fine, i think so as well. But stop claiming that XYZ must have changed because of your perception and even worse claim it would be proven even though there are no facts at all.


Thought experiment: Have a friend call you every day for a year. Roll a bunch of dice and tell them what loot they got.

I guarantee you that by the end of the year they will be totally convinced that you are lying and manipulating the results. This is because there will be crazy patterns and highly lucky/unlucky days, weeks, or months. The numbers will not “average out” over time, they will skew with a proportion that only falls off as the square root of the number of trials, i.e. pretty slowly. Your friend is very likely to have a really bad year or a really good year, and either way it will look like you cheated somehow.

Most modern games don’t use random rolls for exactly this reason, they have different forms of “bad luck protection” because truly random numbers have a tendency to disturb people. In games with displayed accuracy numbers for example, the numbers are usually lies. If I have a 99% chance to hit I should expect to miss a lot, but many people get really really upset if they miss even one out of a thousand with those odds. And forget about it if they miss two or three shots in a row, which isn’t even that rare of an event.

I bet there are some young gamers here who have literally never played a game with truly random, “1 out of N” style drops. It feels weird and disturbing because random numbers are weird and disturbing. And it gets weirder the more remote the odds are.

The only thing that would convince me that Blizzard is manipulating the drops is if suddenly everybody was happy with their drops. Then we would know they made this just like every other game, with numbers reflecting what the devs think the players want rather than the outcome of random rolls.

tl;dr I have zero shakos and my friend has four. Drops are WAI.


Running 600%+ MF, sometimes I just see normal uniq’s / sets drop all day.
Yesterday I got an Ohm rune in cows… ( I know this is not affected by MF , just example for RNG )

RNG is RNG, nothing has changed, and nothing has to change regarding MF.