Can't join or create game because already in a game

Lost 12 levels yesterday due to rollback and today I can’t enter for hours while others have killed Ubers already… what a joke.

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+1, same error as the topic creator. Can’t join since 2 hrs on Europe Classic Softcore.

When will you guys fix this problem…? it’s has been so long…

Have same problem! It has been like this for almost 2 hours now.

Hope the issue will be resolved soon.

Trying to join or create a game for 3 hours now - nothing works.

This really is annoying as hell !

1 o 2 dias va tardar en repararlo segun un trabajador de blizzard ma escrito al hotmail , estoy super cabreado

still stuck :frowning: can’t you just do another reset?

Same here. Stuck for 3+ hours now…

Blizz twitter says problems solved and still looking in on character stuck and unable to launch problems… i don’t know what problems got solved but it seems to me there are MANY ppl who cannot play the game still.

Same problem here , char in the game , locked for 4 hours now …

They “solved” a Problem I didn’t have, caused a Problem that cost me 12 levels without a headsup/ explanation and now “working” on a problem that has been going on for some since launch…

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Il ne rebooteronT pas leur serveur. Moi perso sa me gonfle. J’attends vendredi soir pour etre tranquille, avec les enfants couchés, et je ne peux même pas en profiter. Aucun retour de blizzard depuis plus de 3h, aucun message sur le launcher, aucune reponse d’un moderateur sur le forum, mais de qui on se moque ?

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Me too … for about 3 Hr now

Been locked out for 6+ hours come on blizz you are ruining my weekend. Im just waiting here to get in wasting my life.

Same here, think I’ve been locked out for about 3 hours or so.

i want to play, i pay the game, need a solution

que broncaaaaa

me pasa lo mismo

stucked +16h… still waiting for a solution

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Why they are not restarting? Yesterday IT helped. WTF . I will never preorder thier game. Not even d4

Plus de 16h que tu es bloqué ? Cela ne présage rien de bon pour tout ceux qui comme moi rencontrent ce problème “que” depuis quelques heures.