D2R still constantly crashing several times daily

Just wondering do you use overclocking software?

I have a full water build too.

Times i crashed was caused by the overlay in game using overclocking software when i switched off the overlay it runs fine.

Daily? Mine crashes every 2-3 minutes. Can’t play more than that wihout a crash. And then I have to wait in line :smiley: How cool is that?

After the patch and the thousands of updates, nothing changed. Only lower fps and a lot more ping and lag. This is Bliizzard after all.

Hello Yryadorne, thanks for your reply.

I think that is quite some claim, given the 100’s, if not, 1000’s of reports on your forums, and given the even larger number of in-game reports sent after crashes - I would expect this to be 10,000-100,000+.

In this forum post alone, I think there’s sufficient evidence to say there is an issue - and no, it’s not my PC, along with the vast majority of other players here. I play every other game, that has never crashed, not even once (valorant, cs:go, wc3, sc2 and more). Yet on this particular game, it’s several times, daily - it simply isn’t my PC and an isolated or an extreme minority issue.

Please could you report your findings internally and correspond with the relevant departments to see if they could shed any further light in regards to the in-game tickets being reported and what action is being taken to resolve?

Thank you for the response, your investigation into the issue on behalf of the D2R community (or at least the majority of us) would be more than appreciated.

There are 45 users in this thread, and so far, not one of them has posted the informationed requested, which can be done in 5-10 minutes.

Saying that there’s an issue is different from proving that there’s one. I’m not sure what findings we could report, considering that we’ve yet to receive anything so far.

I believe that it’s not easy position to be in the CS, but your response is so arrogant.

Have you tested the software by yourself? The game crashes all the time just by playing. Or actually you don’t even need to play the game, just sit in the lobby for a while.

Twitter and this forum is full of messages ppl saying things don’t work. The game creating/joinin system is totally broken. You can’t do e.g. baalruns. People are waiting the info when you are going to do something to these issues.


A bit shocked that blizz is not aware of crashes. The reports are ignored or useless?

I get random crashes on a 1 year old pc while my friend gets exactly similar crashes on a 5y.o. PC. The only common factor we have is Nvidia GPU (1080 vs 3080)
Totally random. Can happen while idle in menu, fighting the mobs or AFK in main menu.
Crashes continue the same way after upgrade to W11, chipset and gpu drivers update. Other games are not crashing.

I do feel like the frequency is less than at launch though. Probs 1-2 crashes in a 4h game session

1 Like

I think Gathering info looking into the errors troubleshoot takes time.

Every time someone sends them the correct info they can look into it but i got the impression that people forget that stuff takes time.

Same thing you see on the servers everybody shouts and screams but things takes time.

You can just play it by yourself and see what happen.

Imagine saying there are no issues with the game ROFL
and nobody reported any so far. HAHAHAHHA…

I’m that close start using my “french” to the incompetent staff we’ve got to deal with…

1 Like

Closed all of them. Still crashes in act5.

It sounds so stupid. 1 crash per game in act5. After the crash I can play 3 hours in act 5 if I want as long as I don’t create or join a new game. .

Next game it will crash again 1 time in act5 after 2-3 minutes.

Reading the blue post in this thread shows me that there won’t be a fix soon…

By the way, I have never seen so much arrogance in a Blue Post as in this thread here. I can understand that it’s tiring and also annoying to be confronted 24/7 with errors, crashes and dissatisfaction, but that doesn’t mean you should behave that way. Especially since Blizzard themselves have brought this on themselves. Blizzard has proven enough since release that there were massive problems with the game that had nothing to do with the users, but came from Blizzard. So you should not act up here now and do so as if there were no problems. The blue post actually makes me more pissed off than the crashes themselves.


you are arrogant AF. you’re getting paid to do this so be professional, and if you dont like your job then quit and let someone else more helpful do it. you do know that every time the game crashes it gives us an option to send the report to you guys right? the fact that you’re telling me that you’re not even aware that there’s an issue tells me how good you are at your job.


You don’t have a known bug causing crashes?
Is that a joke?
Does Blizzard not look at the technical data being sent when the game crashes? You know, that little tick box that pops up when the game crashes to desktop saying “Send crash data to Blizzard”.

Most players have had multiple crashes within a few hours of gameplay sending people back into the queue.

The game has been crashing since Day 1 of this pathetic excuse for a Retail Alpha test.

Fix it instead of blaming your playerbase.


as far as you request a full msinfo32, containg a significant amount of personal information, you won’t get one from me.
don’t know about the reasons, why others dont post them.

" If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it’s most likely a duck." :slight_smile:

blizzards manner in the case of all the problems with D2R is like you want to lose customers.


Dear Yryadone, how do you explain that in the middle of 2021 blizzard does not provide game support to users who have an intel iris xe graphics card among others? I can play fifa22 without problems. They have not answered us this question, will they give us the possibility to play without the game crashing? Or will I just have to resign myself to losing my money or even buying a machine with the elaborate specifications just to play a game from the 90’s?

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queue, offline char, go online char, queue bis, finally enter the game, cant do tristrun 'cause, hmm, u know. 7 games, 2 run ok, 4 kick off the game, and the last, black screen → queue. Blizzard is genius…

Play 10’ in 1h30. Worth the 40€…

I posted a thread a week ago, still the same issues and crashes. I can stop the typical “freeze for 5 seconds crash” by cutting down my farm route. Same with my friend who complained to me about the crashes. Seems like they dont care about reports. Even if a pattern was identified.

Im running, Apex, Cod, Warzone, etc with no issues at all. Likewise my friend, who is a top tier gamer. So I bet this isnt about compability or outdated drivers. Doesnt Blizzard receive the reports on crashes? The freeze crash doesnt produce a report window but several other crashes do.

So I get a bit confused about not having any known issues…

I don’t understand the times the game crashed for me i because i was messing with CPU and GPU.

Apart from that i have zero issues.

Lol you’re in denial. There are like you said 45 users in this thread ONLY. When you add up the daily topics talking about the crashes, either here, on the US forums or on reddit, you understand that the problem is not coming from us as individuals but from your poorly optimised and unstable game.

1 Like

reposting for the zillionth time, stop taking this down, you may take it down when my issue is resolved

System Information report written at: 10/21/21 17:49:54
System Name: DESKTOP-B8FJ0FG


[Audio Codecs]

CODEC	Manufacturer	Description	Status	File	Version	Size	Creation Date	
c:\windows\system32\l3codeca.acm	Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS	Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec	OK	C:\Windows\system32\L3CODECA.ACM	91.00 KB (93,184 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:10 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msgsm32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSGSM32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	41.90 KB (42,904 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msg711.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSG711.ACM	10.0.19041.1	25.22 KB (25,824 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\imaadp32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\IMAADP32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	36.56 KB (37,440 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msadp32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSADP32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	33.79 KB (34,600 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	

[Video Codecs]

CODEC	Manufacturer	Description	Status	File	Version	Size	Creation Date	
c:\windows\system32\rtvcvf~1.dll	Not Available	RivaTuner Video Codec	OK	C:\Windows\system32\RTVCVFW64.DLL	Not Available	240.50 KB (246,272 bytes)	9/28/2012 2:45 PM	
c:\windows\system32\tsbyuv.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\TSBYUV.DLL	10.0.19041.1	16.50 KB (16,896 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msrle32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSRLE32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	18.00 KB (18,432 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\iyuv_32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\IYUV_32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	53.00 KB (54,272 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msvidc32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSVIDC32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	39.00 KB (39,936 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msyuv.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSYUV.DLL	10.0.19041.1	27.00 KB (27,648 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	


Item	Value	

[Sound Device]

Item	Value	
Name	Realtek High Definition Audio	
Manufacturer	Realtek	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_1220&SUBSYS_104387C4&REV_1001\4&24D869A1&0&0001	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RTKVHD64.SYS (6.0.8960.1, 7.04 MB (7,386,728 bytes), 2/25/2021 11:38 PM)	
Name	Yamaha Steinberg USB Audio	
Manufacturer	Yamaha Corporation.	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	USB\VID_0499&PID_170A\8&1546623D&0&1	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\YSUSB_W10_64.SYS (, 168.50 KB (172,544 bytes), 7/1/2020 7:29 PM)	
Name	Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer	
Manufacturer	Nahimic	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	SWD\DRIVERENUM\{1B98EF90-CA0E-11E7-8F1A-0800200C9A66}#AVOLUTESS3VAD&5&26229435&0	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AVOLUTESS3VAD.SYS (10.0.10011.16384, 83.09 KB (85,080 bytes), 2/25/2021 11:37 PM)	
Name	NVIDIA High Definition Audio	
Manufacturer	NVIDIA	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_0082&SUBSYS_38426696&REV_1001\5&1DF666B1&0&0001	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NVHDA64V.SYS (, 122.63 KB (125,568 bytes), 10/13/2021 3:30 AM)	
Name	Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)	
Manufacturer	Voicemod S.L.	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	ROOT\MEDIA\0000	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VMDRV.SYS (10.0.10011.16384, 47.01 KB (48,136 bytes), 7/13/2021 3:52 PM)	


Item	Value	
Name	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1B06&SUBSYS_66963842&REV_A1\4&F64B1C2&0&0009	
Adapter Type	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, NVIDIA compatible	
Adapter Description	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti	
Adapter RAM	(1,048,576) bytes	
Installed Drivers	C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll	
Driver Version	
INF File	oem11.inf (Section025 section)	
Color Planes	Not Available	
Color Table Entries	4294967296	
Resolution	2560 x 1440 x 165 hertz	
Bits/Pixel	32	
Memory Address	0x91000000-0x91FFFFFF	
Memory Address	0x0000-0xFFFFFFF	
Memory Address	0x10000000-0x11FFFFFF	
I/O Port	0x00003000-0x0000307F	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 17	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\NV_DISPI.INF_AMD64_5292BBFBF575E2D2\NVLDDMKM.SYS (, 37.47 MB (39,286,912 bytes), 10/13/2021 3:30 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL03\2&D21AD2D&0&0002	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL02\2&D21AD2D&0&0001	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B7D&MI_00&COL01\7&2565B75F&0&0000	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	USB Input Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	USB\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8E&MI_01\7&4B751D4&0&0001	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\HIDUSB.SYS (10.0.19041.868, 43.00 KB (44,032 bytes), 4/15/2021 10:30 PM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8B&MI_00&COL05\7&787BD49&0&0004	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	

[Pointing Device]

Item	Value	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL01\2&D21AD2D&0&0000	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B7D&MI_00&COL03\7&2565B75F&0&0002	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8B&MI_00&COL01\7&787BD49&0&0000	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL04\2&D21AD2D&0&0003	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Name	[00000000] Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	ROOT\KDNIC\0000	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	0	
Service Name	kdnic	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KDNIC.SYS (, 32.52 KB (33,296 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	[00000001] Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06F0&SUBSYS_00748086&REV_00\3&11583659&0&A3	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	1	
Service Name	Netwtw10.	
IP Address, fe80::e11b:2322:283e:4399, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97:e443:ec41:8601:7716, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97:e11b:2322:283e:4399, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97::1691	
IP Subnet, 64, 128, 64, 128	
Default IP Gateway, fe80::a497:33ff:fe38:daf5	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	
DHCP Lease Expires	10/22/2021 5:22 AM	
DHCP Lease Obtained	10/21/2021 5:22 PM	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:3E‬	
Memory Address	0xFFEF8000-0xFFEFBFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967255	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967254	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NETWTW10.SYS (, 5.04 MB (5,287,784 bytes), 4/29/2021 5:47 AM)	
Name	[00000002] Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	{5D624F94-8850-40C3-A3FA-A4FD2080BAF3}\VWIFIMP_WFD\4&329B8096&0&11	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	2	
Service Name	vwifimp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:3F‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VWIFIMP.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 49.50 KB (50,688 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:08 AM)	
Name	[00000003] WAN Miniport (SSTP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (SSTP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	3	
Service Name	RasSstp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASSSTP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 84.00 KB (86,016 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000004] WAN Miniport (IKEv2)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IKEv2)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	4	
Service Name	RasAgileVpn	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AGILEVPN.SYS (10.0.19041.964, 110.50 KB (113,152 bytes), 5/2/2021 9:01 AM)	
Name	[00000005] WAN Miniport (L2TP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (L2TP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	5	
Service Name	Rasl2tp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASL2TP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 107.50 KB (110,080 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000006] WAN Miniport (PPTP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (PPTP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	6	
Service Name	PptpMiniport	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASPPTP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 99.50 KB (101,888 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000007] WAN Miniport (PPPOE)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (PPPOE)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	7	
Service Name	RasPppoe	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASPPPOE.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 85.50 KB (87,552 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:09 AM)	
Name	[00000008] WAN Miniport (IP)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	8	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D6:35:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000009] WAN Miniport (IPv6)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IPv6)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	9	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D6:35:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000010] WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	10	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D8:97:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000011] Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	{5D624F94-8850-40C3-A3FA-A4FD2080BAF3}\VWIFIMP_WFD\4&329B8096&0&12	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	11	
Service Name	vwifimp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BE:54:2F:5F:DA:3E‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VWIFIMP.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 49.50 KB (50,688 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:08 AM)	
Name	[00000012] Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0D4D&SUBSYS_86721043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&FE	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	12	
Service Name	e1dexpress	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪24:4B:FE:DE:B8:53‬	
Memory Address	0x92A00000-0x92A1FFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967276	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\E1D68X64.INF_AMD64_B32D0891EB98AEE4\E1D68X64.SYS (, 588.66 KB (602,792 bytes), 9/22/2021 5:12 AM)	
Name	[00000013] Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	BTH\MS_BTHPAN\6&37B5788&0&2	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	13	
Service Name	BthPan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:42‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHPAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 130.50 KB (133,632 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	[00000014] Marvell AQC111C 5GbE connection	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Marvell AQC111C 5GbE connection	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_11B1&SUBSYS_87721043&REV_02\4&265CCABD&0&00E3	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	14	
Service Name	aqnic650	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪24:4B:FE:DE:B8:52‬	
Memory Address	0x92840000-0x9284FFFF	
Memory Address	0x92850000-0x92850FFF	
Memory Address	0x92400000-0x927FFFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967275	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967274	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967273	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967272	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967271	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967270	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967269	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967268	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967267	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967266	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967265	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967264	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967263	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967262	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967261	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967260	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967259	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967258	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967257	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AQNIC650.SYS (, 202.80 KB (207,672 bytes), 5/4/2020 5:50 AM)	


Item	Value	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IPv6]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IPv6]	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	110 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	2 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP TCPv6 Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP TCP Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	RSVP UDP Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	Hyper-V RAW	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	36 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	36 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	30 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	30 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD RfComm [Bluetooth]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	30 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	30 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	


Item	Value	
File	C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsock32.dll	
Size	16.00 KB (16,384 bytes)	
Version	10.0.19041.1	
File	C:\Windows\system32\wsock32.dll	
Size	18.50 KB (18,944 bytes)	
Version	10.0.19041.1	



Item	Value	
Name	Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM4)	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	BTHENUM\{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_LOCALMFG&0000\7&7BDAC49&0&000000000000_00000000	
Maximum Input Buffer Size	0	
Maximum Output Buffer Size	No	
Settable Baud Rate	Yes	
Settable Data Bits	Yes	
Settable Flow Control	Yes	
Settable Parity	Yes	
Settable Parity Check	No	
Settable Stop Bits	Yes	
Settable RLSD	Yes	
Supports RLSD	Yes	
Supports 16 Bit Mode	No	
Supports Special Characters	No	
Baud Rate	9600	
Bits/Byte	8	
Stop Bits	1	
Parity	None	
Busy	No	
Abort Read/Write on Error	No	
Binary Mode Enabled	Yes	
Continue XMit on XOff	No	
CTS Outflow Control	Yes	
Discard NULL Bytes	No	
DSR Outflow Control	0	
DSR Sensitivity	0	
DTR Flow Control Type	Enable	
EOF Character	0	
Error Replace Character	0	
Error Replacement Enabled	No	
Event Character	0	
Parity Check Enabled	No	
RTS Flow Control Type	Handshake	
XOff Character	0	
XOffXMit Threshold	0	
XOn Character	0	
XOnXMit Threshold	0	
XOnXOff InFlow Control	0	
XOnXOff OutFlow Control	0	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHMODEM.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 75.00 KB (76,800 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM3)	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	BTHENUM\{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&00010094_PID&0123\7&7BDAC49&0&000000033730_C00000000	
Maximum Input Buffer Size	Not Available	
Maximum Output Buffer Size	Not Available	
Settable Baud Rate	Not Available	
Settable Data Bits	Not Available	
Settable Flow Control	Not Available	
Settable Parity	Not Available	
Settable Parity Check	Not Available	
Settable Stop Bits	Not Available	
Settable RLSD	Not Available	
Supports RLSD	Not Available	
Supports 16 Bit Mode	Not Available	
Supports Special Characters	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHMODEM.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 75.00 KB (76,800 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Drive	C:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	930.91 GB (999,556,489,216 bytes)	
Free Space	83.59 GB (89,754,931,200 bytes)	
Volume Name		
Volume Serial Number	9845C808	
Drive	D:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,039,296 bytes)	
Free Space	249.22 GB (267,598,897,152 bytes)	
Volume Name	Extra	
Volume Serial Number	BA38CA6F	
Drive	E:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	7.28 TB (8,001,545,039,872 bytes)	
Free Space	4.47 TB (4,911,708,143,616 bytes)	
Volume Name	Big Chonky	
Volume Serial Number	9296B5BE	
Drive	F:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	100.00 MB (104,853,504 bytes)	
Free Space	66.97 MB (70,225,920 bytes)	
Volume Name	System Reserved	
Volume Serial Number	5C36A9DD	
Drive	G:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	698.54 GB (750,047,457,280 bytes)	
Free Space	393.32 GB (422,324,355,072 bytes)	
Volume Name	WowDrive	
Volume Serial Number	31C6DC28	
Drive	H:	
Description	Removable Disk	
Drive	I:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	464.36 GB (498,605,350,912 bytes)	
Free Space	156.13 GB (167,644,315,648 bytes)	
Volume Name	SSD	
Volume Serial Number	F4407476	
Drive	K:	
Description	Removable Disk	


Item	Value	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	VendorCo ProductCode USB Device	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Removable Media	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	1.87 GB (2,006,968,320 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	244	
Total Sectors	3,919,860	
Total Tracks	62,220	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #5, Partition #0	
Partition Size	1.87 GB (2,011,168,768 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	65,536 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	ST8000DM004-2CX188	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	3	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	7.28 TB (8,001,560,609,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	972,801	
Total Sectors	15,628,048,065	
Total Tracks	248,064,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #2, Partition #0	
Partition Size	7.28 TB (8,001,545,043,968 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	16,777,216 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	WDC WD1001FALS-00J7B0	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	2	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	121,601	
Total Sectors	1,953,520,065	
Total Tracks	31,008,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #1, Partition #0	
Partition Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,043,392 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	SanDisk Cruzer USB Device	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Removable Media	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	119.20 GB (127,993,582,080 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	15,561	
Total Sectors	249,987,465	
Total Tracks	3,968,055	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #6, Partition #0	
Partition Size	119.21 GB (127,998,623,744 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Crucial_CT500MX200SSD1	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	4	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	4	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	465.76 GB (500,105,249,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	60,801	
Total Sectors	976,768,065	
Total Tracks	15,504,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.00 MB (104,857,600 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #1	
Partition Size	464.36 GB (498,605,355,008 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	105,906,176 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #2	
Partition Size	879.00 MB (921,698,304 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	498,712,182,784 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #3	
Partition Size	450.00 MB (471,859,200 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	499,634,929,664 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Crucial_CT750MX300SSD1	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	3	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	5	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	698.64 GB (750,153,761,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	91,201	
Total Sectors	1,465,144,065	
Total Tracks	23,256,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.97 MB (105,873,920 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	32,256 bytes	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #1	
Partition Size	698.54 GB (750,047,461,376 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	105,906,176 bytes	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #2	
Partition Size	1.87 MB (1,957,888 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	750,153,367,552 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	3	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	121,601	
Total Sectors	1,953,520,065	
Total Tracks	31,008,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.00 MB (104,857,600 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #1	
Partition Size	930.91 GB (999,556,493,312 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	122,683,392 bytes	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #2	
Partition Size	499.00 MB (523,239,424 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	999,679,852,544 bytes	


Item	Value	
Name	Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller	
Manufacturer	Intel Corporation	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06D6&SUBSYS_86941043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&B8	
Memory Address	0x92A20000-0x92A21FFF	
Memory Address	0x92A23000-0x92A230FF	
I/O Port	0x00004050-0x00004057	
I/O Port	0x00004040-0x00004043	
I/O Port	0x00004020-0x0000403F	
Memory Address	0x92A22000-0x92A227FF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967277	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\IASTORAC.SYS (, 1.28 MB (1,339,360 bytes), 12/11/2019 6:54 PM)	
Name	Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller	
Manufacturer	Microsoft	
Status	OK	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\SPACEPORT.SYS (10.0.19041.1288, 663.32 KB (679,240 bytes), 10/15/2021 7:49 AM)	
Name	Standard NVM Express Controller	
Manufacturer	Standard NVM Express Controller	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_144D&DEV_A808&SUBSYS_A801144D&REV_00\4&10975CE&0&00E8	
Memory Address	0x92900000-0x929FFFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967294	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967293	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967292	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967291	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967290	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967289	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967288	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967287	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967286	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967285	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967284	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967283	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967282	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967281	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967280	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967279	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967278	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\STORNVME.SYS (10.0.19041.1266, 154.30 KB (158,008 bytes), 10/15/2021 7:49 AM)	
Name	DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual SCSI Bus	
Manufacturer	Disc Soft Ltd	
Status	OK	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\DTLITESCSIBUS.SYS (, 41.27 KB (42,256 bytes), 2/26/2021 12:01 AM)	


Item	Value	


Name	Driver	Port Name	Server Name	
OneNote (Desktop)	Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver	nul:	Not Available	
Microsoft XPS Document Writer	Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4	PORTPROMPT:	Not Available	
Microsoft Print to PDF	Microsoft Print To PDF	PORTPROMPT:	Not Available	
Fax	Microsoft Shared Fax Driver	SHRFAX:	Not Available	
Brother HL-L2300D series	Brother HL-L2300D series	LPT1:	Not Available	

[Problem Devices]

Device	PNP Device ID	Error Code	


Device	PNP Device ID	
Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06ED&SUBSYS_86941043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&A0	
DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual USB Bus	ROOT\USB\0000	

reposting for the zillionth time, stop taking this down, you may take it down when my issue is resolved

System Information report written at: 10/21/21 17:49:54
System Name: DESKTOP-B8FJ0FG


[Audio Codecs]

CODEC	Manufacturer	Description	Status	File	Version	Size	Creation Date	
c:\windows\system32\l3codeca.acm	Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS	Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec	OK	C:\Windows\system32\L3CODECA.ACM	91.00 KB (93,184 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:10 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msgsm32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSGSM32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	41.90 KB (42,904 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msg711.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSG711.ACM	10.0.19041.1	25.22 KB (25,824 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\imaadp32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\IMAADP32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	36.56 KB (37,440 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msadp32.acm	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSADP32.ACM	10.0.19041.1	33.79 KB (34,600 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:08 AM	

[Video Codecs]

CODEC	Manufacturer	Description	Status	File	Version	Size	Creation Date	
c:\windows\system32\rtvcvf~1.dll	Not Available	RivaTuner Video Codec	OK	C:\Windows\system32\RTVCVFW64.DLL	Not Available	240.50 KB (246,272 bytes)	9/28/2012 2:45 PM	
c:\windows\system32\tsbyuv.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\TSBYUV.DLL	10.0.19041.1	16.50 KB (16,896 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msrle32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSRLE32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	18.00 KB (18,432 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\iyuv_32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\IYUV_32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	53.00 KB (54,272 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msvidc32.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSVIDC32.DLL	10.0.19041.1	39.00 KB (39,936 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	
c:\windows\system32\msyuv.dll	Microsoft Corporation		OK	C:\Windows\system32\MSYUV.DLL	10.0.19041.1	27.00 KB (27,648 bytes)	12/7/2019 4:09 AM	


Item	Value	

[Sound Device]

Item	Value	
Name	Realtek High Definition Audio	
Manufacturer	Realtek	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_1220&SUBSYS_104387C4&REV_1001\4&24D869A1&0&0001	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RTKVHD64.SYS (6.0.8960.1, 7.04 MB (7,386,728 bytes), 2/25/2021 11:38 PM)	
Name	Yamaha Steinberg USB Audio	
Manufacturer	Yamaha Corporation.	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	USB\VID_0499&PID_170A\8&1546623D&0&1	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\YSUSB_W10_64.SYS (, 168.50 KB (172,544 bytes), 7/1/2020 7:29 PM)	
Name	Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer	
Manufacturer	Nahimic	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	SWD\DRIVERENUM\{1B98EF90-CA0E-11E7-8F1A-0800200C9A66}#AVOLUTESS3VAD&5&26229435&0	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AVOLUTESS3VAD.SYS (10.0.10011.16384, 83.09 KB (85,080 bytes), 2/25/2021 11:37 PM)	
Name	NVIDIA High Definition Audio	
Manufacturer	NVIDIA	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_0082&SUBSYS_38426696&REV_1001\5&1DF666B1&0&0001	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NVHDA64V.SYS (, 122.63 KB (125,568 bytes), 10/13/2021 3:30 AM)	
Name	Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)	
Manufacturer	Voicemod S.L.	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	ROOT\MEDIA\0000	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VMDRV.SYS (10.0.10011.16384, 47.01 KB (48,136 bytes), 7/13/2021 3:52 PM)	


Item	Value	
Name	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1B06&SUBSYS_66963842&REV_A1\4&F64B1C2&0&0009	
Adapter Type	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, NVIDIA compatible	
Adapter Description	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti	
Adapter RAM	(1,048,576) bytes	
Installed Drivers	C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_5292bbfbf575e2d2\nvldumdx.dll	
Driver Version	
INF File	oem11.inf (Section025 section)	
Color Planes	Not Available	
Color Table Entries	4294967296	
Resolution	2560 x 1440 x 165 hertz	
Bits/Pixel	32	
Memory Address	0x91000000-0x91FFFFFF	
Memory Address	0x0000-0xFFFFFFF	
Memory Address	0x10000000-0x11FFFFFF	
I/O Port	0x00003000-0x0000307F	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 17	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\NV_DISPI.INF_AMD64_5292BBFBF575E2D2\NVLDDMKM.SYS (, 37.47 MB (39,286,912 bytes), 10/13/2021 3:30 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL03\2&D21AD2D&0&0002	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL02\2&D21AD2D&0&0001	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B7D&MI_00&COL01\7&2565B75F&0&0000	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Description	USB Input Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	USB\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8E&MI_01\7&4B751D4&0&0001	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\HIDUSB.SYS (10.0.19041.868, 43.00 KB (44,032 bytes), 4/15/2021 10:30 PM)	
Description	HID Keyboard Device	
Name	Enhanced (101- or 102-key)	
Layout	00000409	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8B&MI_00&COL05\7&787BD49&0&0004	
Number of Function Keys	12	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KBDHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 45.50 KB (46,592 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	

[Pointing Device]

Item	Value	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL01\2&D21AD2D&0&0000	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B7D&MI_00&COL03\7&2565B75F&0&0002	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VID_1B1C&PID_1B8B&MI_00&COL01\7&787BD49&0&0000	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Hardware Type	HID-compliant mouse	
Number of Buttons	0	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	HID\VIRTUALDEVICE&10&COL04\2&D21AD2D&0&0003	
Power Management Supported	No	
Double Click Threshold	Not Available	
Handedness	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\MOUHID.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 34.50 KB (35,328 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Name	[00000000] Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	ROOT\KDNIC\0000	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	0	
Service Name	kdnic	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\KDNIC.SYS (, 32.52 KB (33,296 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	[00000001] Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06F0&SUBSYS_00748086&REV_00\3&11583659&0&A3	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	1	
Service Name	Netwtw10.	
IP Address, fe80::e11b:2322:283e:4399, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97:e443:ec41:8601:7716, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97:e11b:2322:283e:4399, 2603:7080:b70f:9b97::1691	
IP Subnet, 64, 128, 64, 128	
Default IP Gateway, fe80::a497:33ff:fe38:daf5	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	
DHCP Lease Expires	10/22/2021 5:22 AM	
DHCP Lease Obtained	10/21/2021 5:22 PM	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:3E‬	
Memory Address	0xFFEF8000-0xFFEFBFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967255	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967254	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NETWTW10.SYS (, 5.04 MB (5,287,784 bytes), 4/29/2021 5:47 AM)	
Name	[00000002] Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	{5D624F94-8850-40C3-A3FA-A4FD2080BAF3}\VWIFIMP_WFD\4&329B8096&0&11	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	2	
Service Name	vwifimp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:3F‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VWIFIMP.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 49.50 KB (50,688 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:08 AM)	
Name	[00000003] WAN Miniport (SSTP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (SSTP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	3	
Service Name	RasSstp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASSSTP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 84.00 KB (86,016 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000004] WAN Miniport (IKEv2)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IKEv2)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	4	
Service Name	RasAgileVpn	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AGILEVPN.SYS (10.0.19041.964, 110.50 KB (113,152 bytes), 5/2/2021 9:01 AM)	
Name	[00000005] WAN Miniport (L2TP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (L2TP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	5	
Service Name	Rasl2tp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASL2TP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 107.50 KB (110,080 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000006] WAN Miniport (PPTP)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (PPTP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	6	
Service Name	PptpMiniport	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASPPTP.SYS (10.0.19041.488, 99.50 KB (101,888 bytes), 11/18/2020 9:49 PM)	
Name	[00000007] WAN Miniport (PPPOE)	
Adapter Type	Not Available	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (PPPOE)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	7	
Service Name	RasPppoe	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RASPPPOE.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 85.50 KB (87,552 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:09 AM)	
Name	[00000008] WAN Miniport (IP)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IP)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	8	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D6:35:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000009] WAN Miniport (IPv6)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (IPv6)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	9	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D6:35:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000010] WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)	
Installed	Yes	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	10	
Service Name	NdisWan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪D8:97:20:52:41:53‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\NDISWAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1151, 208.00 KB (212,992 bytes), 8/13/2021 2:50 AM)	
Name	[00000011] Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	{5D624F94-8850-40C3-A3FA-A4FD2080BAF3}\VWIFIMP_WFD\4&329B8096&0&12	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	11	
Service Name	vwifimp	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	No	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BE:54:2F:5F:DA:3E‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\VWIFIMP.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 49.50 KB (50,688 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:08 AM)	
Name	[00000012] Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-V	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0D4D&SUBSYS_86721043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&FE	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	12	
Service Name	e1dexpress	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪24:4B:FE:DE:B8:53‬	
Memory Address	0x92A00000-0x92A1FFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967276	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\E1D68X64.INF_AMD64_B32D0891EB98AEE4\E1D68X64.SYS (, 588.66 KB (602,792 bytes), 9/22/2021 5:12 AM)	
Name	[00000013] Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	BTH\MS_BTHPAN\6&37B5788&0&2	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	13	
Service Name	BthPan	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪BC:54:2F:5F:DA:42‬	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHPAN.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 130.50 KB (133,632 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	[00000014] Marvell AQC111C 5GbE connection	
Adapter Type	Ethernet 802.3	
Product Type	Marvell AQC111C 5GbE connection	
Installed	Yes	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_11B1&SUBSYS_87721043&REV_02\4&265CCABD&0&00E3	
Last Reset	10/20/2021 6:55 PM	
Index	14	
Service Name	aqnic650	
IP Address	Not Available	
IP Subnet	Not Available	
Default IP Gateway	Not Available	
DHCP Enabled	Yes	
DHCP Server	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Expires	Not Available	
DHCP Lease Obtained	Not Available	
MAC Address	‪24:4B:FE:DE:B8:52‬	
Memory Address	0x92840000-0x9284FFFF	
Memory Address	0x92850000-0x92850FFF	
Memory Address	0x92400000-0x927FFFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967275	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967274	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967273	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967272	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967271	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967270	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967269	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967268	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967267	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967266	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967265	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967264	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967263	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967262	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967261	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967260	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967259	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967258	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967257	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\AQNIC650.SYS (, 202.80 KB (207,672 bytes), 5/4/2020 5:50 AM)	


Item	Value	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP]	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IPv6]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IPv6]	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	110 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	2 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP TCPv6 Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP TCP Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	Yes	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	28 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	28 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	RSVP UDP Service Provider	
Connectionless Service	Yes	
Guarantees Delivery	No	
Guarantees Sequencing	No	
Maximum Address Size	16 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	63.99 KB (65,527 bytes)	
Message Oriented	Yes	
Minimum Address Size	16 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	Yes	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	Yes	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	Yes	
Name	Hyper-V RAW	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	36 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	36 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	30 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	30 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	No	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	
Name	MSAFD RfComm [Bluetooth]	
Connectionless Service	No	
Guarantees Delivery	Yes	
Guarantees Sequencing	Yes	
Maximum Address Size	30 bytes	
Maximum Message Size	0 bytes	
Message Oriented	No	
Minimum Address Size	30 bytes	
Pseudo Stream Oriented	No	
Supports Broadcasting	No	
Supports Connect Data	No	
Supports Disconnect Data	No	
Supports Encryption	No	
Supports Expedited Data	No	
Supports Graceful Closing	Yes	
Supports Guaranteed Bandwidth	No	
Supports Multicasting	No	


Item	Value	
File	C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsock32.dll	
Size	16.00 KB (16,384 bytes)	
Version	10.0.19041.1	
File	C:\Windows\system32\wsock32.dll	
Size	18.50 KB (18,944 bytes)	
Version	10.0.19041.1	



Item	Value	
Name	Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM4)	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	BTHENUM\{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_LOCALMFG&0000\7&7BDAC49&0&000000000000_00000000	
Maximum Input Buffer Size	0	
Maximum Output Buffer Size	No	
Settable Baud Rate	Yes	
Settable Data Bits	Yes	
Settable Flow Control	Yes	
Settable Parity	Yes	
Settable Parity Check	No	
Settable Stop Bits	Yes	
Settable RLSD	Yes	
Supports RLSD	Yes	
Supports 16 Bit Mode	No	
Supports Special Characters	No	
Baud Rate	9600	
Bits/Byte	8	
Stop Bits	1	
Parity	None	
Busy	No	
Abort Read/Write on Error	No	
Binary Mode Enabled	Yes	
Continue XMit on XOff	No	
CTS Outflow Control	Yes	
Discard NULL Bytes	No	
DSR Outflow Control	0	
DSR Sensitivity	0	
DTR Flow Control Type	Enable	
EOF Character	0	
Error Replace Character	0	
Error Replacement Enabled	No	
Event Character	0	
Parity Check Enabled	No	
RTS Flow Control Type	Handshake	
XOff Character	0	
XOffXMit Threshold	0	
XOn Character	0	
XOnXMit Threshold	0	
XOnXOff InFlow Control	0	
XOnXOff OutFlow Control	0	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHMODEM.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 75.00 KB (76,800 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	
Name	Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM3)	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	BTHENUM\{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_VID&00010094_PID&0123\7&7BDAC49&0&000000033730_C00000000	
Maximum Input Buffer Size	Not Available	
Maximum Output Buffer Size	Not Available	
Settable Baud Rate	Not Available	
Settable Data Bits	Not Available	
Settable Flow Control	Not Available	
Settable Parity	Not Available	
Settable Parity Check	Not Available	
Settable Stop Bits	Not Available	
Settable RLSD	Not Available	
Supports RLSD	Not Available	
Supports 16 Bit Mode	Not Available	
Supports Special Characters	Not Available	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\BTHMODEM.SYS (10.0.19041.1, 75.00 KB (76,800 bytes), 12/7/2019 4:07 AM)	


Item	Value	



Item	Value	
Drive	C:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	930.91 GB (999,556,489,216 bytes)	
Free Space	83.59 GB (89,754,931,200 bytes)	
Volume Name		
Volume Serial Number	9845C808	
Drive	D:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,039,296 bytes)	
Free Space	249.22 GB (267,598,897,152 bytes)	
Volume Name	Extra	
Volume Serial Number	BA38CA6F	
Drive	E:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	7.28 TB (8,001,545,039,872 bytes)	
Free Space	4.47 TB (4,911,708,143,616 bytes)	
Volume Name	Big Chonky	
Volume Serial Number	9296B5BE	
Drive	F:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	100.00 MB (104,853,504 bytes)	
Free Space	66.97 MB (70,225,920 bytes)	
Volume Name	System Reserved	
Volume Serial Number	5C36A9DD	
Drive	G:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	698.54 GB (750,047,457,280 bytes)	
Free Space	393.32 GB (422,324,355,072 bytes)	
Volume Name	WowDrive	
Volume Serial Number	31C6DC28	
Drive	H:	
Description	Removable Disk	
Drive	I:	
Description	Local Fixed Disk	
Compressed	No	
File System	NTFS	
Size	464.36 GB (498,605,350,912 bytes)	
Free Space	156.13 GB (167,644,315,648 bytes)	
Volume Name	SSD	
Volume Serial Number	F4407476	
Drive	K:	
Description	Removable Disk	


Item	Value	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	VendorCo ProductCode USB Device	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Removable Media	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	1.87 GB (2,006,968,320 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	244	
Total Sectors	3,919,860	
Total Tracks	62,220	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #5, Partition #0	
Partition Size	1.87 GB (2,011,168,768 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	65,536 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	ST8000DM004-2CX188	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	3	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	7.28 TB (8,001,560,609,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	972,801	
Total Sectors	15,628,048,065	
Total Tracks	248,064,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #2, Partition #0	
Partition Size	7.28 TB (8,001,545,043,968 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	16,777,216 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	WDC WD1001FALS-00J7B0	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	2	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	121,601	
Total Sectors	1,953,520,065	
Total Tracks	31,008,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #1, Partition #0	
Partition Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,043,392 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	SanDisk Cruzer USB Device	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Removable Media	
Partitions	1	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	119.20 GB (127,993,582,080 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	15,561	
Total Sectors	249,987,465	
Total Tracks	3,968,055	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #6, Partition #0	
Partition Size	119.21 GB (127,998,623,744 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Crucial_CT500MX200SSD1	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	4	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	4	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	465.76 GB (500,105,249,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	60,801	
Total Sectors	976,768,065	
Total Tracks	15,504,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.00 MB (104,857,600 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #1	
Partition Size	464.36 GB (498,605,355,008 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	105,906,176 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #2	
Partition Size	879.00 MB (921,698,304 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	498,712,182,784 bytes	
Partition	Disk #3, Partition #3	
Partition Size	450.00 MB (471,859,200 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	499,634,929,664 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Crucial_CT750MX300SSD1	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	3	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	1	
SCSI Target ID	5	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	698.64 GB (750,153,761,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	91,201	
Total Sectors	1,465,144,065	
Total Tracks	23,256,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.97 MB (105,873,920 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	32,256 bytes	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #1	
Partition Size	698.54 GB (750,047,461,376 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	105,906,176 bytes	
Partition	Disk #4, Partition #2	
Partition Size	1.87 MB (1,957,888 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	750,153,367,552 bytes	
Description	Disk drive	
Manufacturer	(Standard disk drives)	
Model	Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB	
Bytes/Sector	512	
Media Loaded	Yes	
Media Type	Fixed hard disk	
Partitions	3	
SCSI Bus	0	
SCSI Logical Unit	0	
SCSI Port	0	
SCSI Target ID	0	
Sectors/Track	63	
Size	931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)	
Total Cylinders	121,601	
Total Sectors	1,953,520,065	
Total Tracks	31,008,255	
Tracks/Cylinder	255	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #0	
Partition Size	100.00 MB (104,857,600 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	1,048,576 bytes	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #1	
Partition Size	930.91 GB (999,556,493,312 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	122,683,392 bytes	
Partition	Disk #0, Partition #2	
Partition Size	499.00 MB (523,239,424 bytes)	
Partition Starting Offset	999,679,852,544 bytes	


Item	Value	
Name	Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller	
Manufacturer	Intel Corporation	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06D6&SUBSYS_86941043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&B8	
Memory Address	0x92A20000-0x92A21FFF	
Memory Address	0x92A23000-0x92A230FF	
I/O Port	0x00004050-0x00004057	
I/O Port	0x00004040-0x00004043	
I/O Port	0x00004020-0x0000403F	
Memory Address	0x92A22000-0x92A227FF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967277	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\IASTORAC.SYS (, 1.28 MB (1,339,360 bytes), 12/11/2019 6:54 PM)	
Name	Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller	
Manufacturer	Microsoft	
Status	OK	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\SPACEPORT.SYS (10.0.19041.1288, 663.32 KB (679,240 bytes), 10/15/2021 7:49 AM)	
Name	Standard NVM Express Controller	
Manufacturer	Standard NVM Express Controller	
Status	OK	
PNP Device ID	PCI\VEN_144D&DEV_A808&SUBSYS_A801144D&REV_00\4&10975CE&0&00E8	
Memory Address	0x92900000-0x929FFFFF	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967294	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967293	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967292	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967291	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967290	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967289	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967288	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967287	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967286	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967285	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967284	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967283	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967282	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967281	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967280	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967279	
IRQ Channel	IRQ 4294967278	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\STORNVME.SYS (10.0.19041.1266, 154.30 KB (158,008 bytes), 10/15/2021 7:49 AM)	
Name	DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual SCSI Bus	
Manufacturer	Disc Soft Ltd	
Status	OK	
Driver	C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\DTLITESCSIBUS.SYS (, 41.27 KB (42,256 bytes), 2/26/2021 12:01 AM)	


Item	Value	


Name	Driver	Port Name	Server Name	
OneNote (Desktop)	Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver	nul:	Not Available	
Microsoft XPS Document Writer	Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4	PORTPROMPT:	Not Available	
Microsoft Print to PDF	Microsoft Print To PDF	PORTPROMPT:	Not Available	
Fax	Microsoft Shared Fax Driver	SHRFAX:	Not Available	
Brother HL-L2300D series	Brother HL-L2300D series	LPT1:	Not Available	

[Problem Devices]

Device	PNP Device ID	Error Code	


Device	PNP Device ID	
Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)	PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06ED&SUBSYS_86941043&REV_00\3&11583659&0&A0	
DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual USB Bus	ROOT\USB\0000