DEVS please implement anti link item scam UI FIX

Lost a BER rune to a low life scammer with the LINK (SHIFT / CRTL+click) item trick.
I was going to let it go, but I’m a little tilted reading that this issue is around from 1 year ago.

Whatever… don`t hate the player, hate the game.
I hate that there is this FEATURE/BUG that allows for this scam from 1 year ago and no action has been taken by the DEV team.

Don’t drop items when chat is opened, or something…
Or implement it differently, because it’s a thing that can be avoided.

Oh and BTW the scammer is at it for 1 year and still around… nice going.

Isn’t this actually your fault for not knowing how this feature of sharing items in chat work?
What trick are you talking about? You just pressed the wrong button.
I don’t understand…how did he trick you?

Obviously it is his fault. But the implementation is also pretty bad. CTRL left click is used to quickly move an item to another window and at the same time to drop the item on the ground when no other window is opened. So for people who haven’t been using this feature to drop items on the ground it’s pretty much an instant abuse method.

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Categorically confusing for beginners…but this guy is claiming he plays since launch. But definitely not a bug.

Well it’s obviously my fault for pressing the wrong key, but this is 100% a bug/exploit.

Let me explain why this is a bug:
The SHIFT key for linking items can not be changed, the CTRL key for quick drop/transfer items cannot be changed.
Linking Runes in private chat doesn’t work.
Whisper someone and then try to SHIFT+Click on a Rune. It does nothing. You are tempted to press CTRL because the key is right next to SHIFT and if you don`t know about this you will press it thinking that maybe you did something wrong.
How many times did you press RESTART instead of SHUT DOWN in Windows, just because the buttons are next to each other?
You press CTRL, you are screwed.

Are we supposed to play like in the year 2000 when Starcraft terran players would pull out the O key (Siege Mode Key) from the keyboard to not hit it by mistake?

I’m asking for a better implementation of this “feature”.
Don`t try to defend what is obviously a half thought feature which is buggy(private chat LINK) and can be abused.

And yeah, I didn’t engage in multiplayer play until this ladder season. How am I supposed to know that SHIFT+clicking runes in whisper chat DOES NOTHING? Why does the rune/Item drops from the inventory when I have the CHAT Window opened?

Do I need to go on why this can be abused 100% if the other guy does not know about it?

I don’t know…like try it out of curiosity while alone in the game? On the premise of…what does this button do? For the exact purpose of preventing what happened to you.
Jeez…I wonder why I even try…the level of entitlement is of the charts these days…

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It’s not entitlement, it’s caring for a better game and to warn others.
But you are entitled to have your own opinion, of course.

With that we can agree.
What can I say…sorry for your misfortune. You’ll surely be more careful next time. :vulcan_salute:

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