How much gold from dying?

I understand that when you die, you lose both gold and xp. However, I have only died once in Hell difficulty and I had max gold in my stash and I lost ALL of it except for 20k. WTF???
That is a piss take, I couldn’t even revive my follower. Blizzard sort this game out please, the bugs, loading screen times and lags on an offline character is too much.

hmm, look in your other boxes, for all charakters.

The gold that you lose can depend on whether you’re playing or offline, your character level, and the amount of gold that you had. For an online character, you can lose up to 20% of your gold (character + stash) for example.

Gold in your shared stash is exempt from this, so it can be a good idea to stock up your gold in one of your 3 shared stashes, which hold 2.5m gold each. :wink:

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I understand what you’ve said but re-read my message. My stash was MAX gold and I was left with only 20k left from 1 death and 1 death only, that can’t be 20%.

Около своего трупа ищи кучку золота, там будет “сдача”, а когда поднимешь труп - опыт вернут, если выйдешь из игры, что бы труп был “под ногами” - потеряешь и деньги и опыт.

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Look into your shared stashes. Maybe it’s somewhere. Happened to me several times