Ladder start...when!?

The problem is I have paid for the game already and there is no monthly subscription. There is no feasible way to protest that I can see.

Just have to hope they get a move on by good faith alone.

That’s not true. The rune drop chance has been increased (significantly). So far, I found 2 BER runes - and I don’t even play that much.

I traded the items I didn’t need (as none of those things were important for my necro), which allowed me get just about everything I needed, including enigma, annihilus, torch, CTA runes.

I know people who play more efficient classes for rune-farming (javazon, traps assassin) and they have found 15+ runes in the first couple of weeks.

It’s just about actually killing high numbers of mobs, no MF required, no special class required…although, of course, some classes are definitely faster than others.

If you haven’t found a few high runes in two weeks of playing, you’re doing something wrong - as in, possibly farming mobs with a low chance to drop runes. Some mobs (wraiths, for example) have a higher chance to drop a rune than other mobs. If you’re just teleporting to bosses and killing bosses, you’re not going to get a lot of high runes. I think I found ohm and ber off Diablo before d2r (in d2lod), but act bosses don’t drop a lot of runes.

Bottom line: you can get everything you want in a couple of weeks. Maybe one month if you’re REALLY unlucky. It’s not fast, I agree, but it’s not 20 years either :slight_smile:

Here’s an album:

It doesn’t include screenshots with maras (3 found) /sojs (2 found) because well, I took screenshots when stuff dropped; showing you the unique amulets/rings screenshots would mean nothing, they could’ve been nokozan or nagel for all you know.

I didn’t even play this optimally or competitively even, just … for fun (no barb for bo, no second account, no teleport, no smiter built for ubers etc). Even so, I was able to get just about everything. The only important thing I still “need” is a CTA and I’ve already got Ohm, I just can’t be bothered to try to trade for a mal + ist…since I don’t REALLY need cta.

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Rune drop increased significantly ? 1:800 000 is drop rate from normal mob in Hell Chaos. Do you think that this is great chance ?
Yes, some of you were lucky and got Ber…
I made maybe thousand chaos runs and didnt get anything higer than Ohm (from Cows 2nd week from the start)…
The highest runes from chaos are 2x Mal, nothing more.
Maybe i am just unlucky one, but it is possible to not get anything with these drop rates.

lol nice cry.

ladder because of a fresh economy. after 1.5 month, there is nothing to do in pvm. the main chars are equipped and without ladder there is no reason to do baalruns.
i hope, they will bring ladder as soon as possible.

@johnyX in earlier times, you wouldnt even get an ohm rune. runes like shael were quite rare. ber and jah were lifetimedrops. today you can get a hr 1x every 2 month, that is a great increase and its suffice entirely.

I don’t know the rune drop chance, but I do know that it’s been increased. I guess maybe you didn’t play in 1.10/1.11 to see how rare runes were then?

I probably ran CS 200 times so far - which sounds like a lot, but it isn’t, not when you realise that the game is 2 months old (on average, that’s what, 3 times a day?)

I haven’t even played for a few weeks, simply because I don’t know what I could find and XP sucks past 90 in solo games and they didn’t create a /players8 option for online games (while the hardcore scene is largely dead, with barely any public games ever).

I included an album link showing a few drops (including runes dropping in CS) in the previous post. A CS run takes ~6 minutes for a full clear.

Yes, it is possible (not necessarily “likely”, just “possible”) to run CS 1000 times and not get high runes, but my experience has been different. I remember d2lod, in 1.10/1.11 and even in 1.13, I barely ever saw any HRs. In fact, I think the highest rune I got back then was a Gul - from hell hellforge. Compared to then, the chance to drop has been increased - a lot. Finding 2 bers back in the day? Unheard of if you were a legitimate player (not talking dupes/bots). Finding 2 bers and (almost) EVERYTHING else that’s relevant (included in the album)? Impossible.

thats the point. enigma and infinity are best items for pvm. why should someone get a guarantee for it after 2 months? this is not diablo 3.

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Ladder because there is some sense in continuing to level after you have BiS gear and have soloed ubers.

Well a probable bet for ladder is X-Mas

ladder will start when I will find a LO, meaning never.

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I feel like something as big as a ladder start would get a 1 month announcement before it does. In the UK, it would be 18:45 Christmas Eve if they announced it right now - I fear we will be waiting some time into the new year.

Yeh Bliz, all we want for Chrismas, is a Ladder. :slight_smile:

I know you trying your best. But Ladder always was kinda, who is better at bugging the game. So your first Ladder don´t need to be perfekt.

Just fix the ATS per Sekund and make a creat new game limter for the first 2 Weeks and we would be good to go.

You did great work with the Last update and D2R in general. But giveing us the Ladder Start this year, would crown your efforts. Thank you, i wish you all the best.

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I am pretty sure Ladder will come next year, too many things to be fixed right now and perhaps other thing must be implemented…

What’s your source for this? This sounds like something that if it was common knowledge, would have caused an uproar from the players who want the original experience kept intact. I recall no such uproar.

Could we have a Solo Self Found ladder, so it has actual meaning? A standard ladder where trading is allowed is p2win, and means nothing. Please please please?

Nice idea, but I assume that solo self found ladder may become something like bot to win or pay for bot to win, or even play with friends from same account to win. But anyway this could be something viable, not sure if popular. Maybe extend it even further with speed run ladders.

Hey all, any new Information about ladder start of D2R?

I just have test a few things since i buy the Game. Still on lvl 5 and iam waiting…but how long?

I will start to play @blizzard

I guess that ladder will start next year Feb or March in the middle of D3 season

You need to go back and take statistics 101. Look up the Birthday Problem. Statistics are not based on your personal experience, they’re based on massive sample sizes and %values. Getting lucky should not sway your opinion of a cold, hard, statistical fact like RNG in a video game.

Just because you got lucky and got 2 BERs in an uncommonly low amount of games, does not mean rune drop rates have been increased. You’ve got people on here who have played more than you saying that they’ve found 2 mals or less in well over 1000 CS runs.

They didn’t change the drop rates. You got lucky. Find a datamined change in the actual code itself and then people will believe you. Until then, you’re just bloviating conjecture.


ladder starts tuesday

Ladder is the only escape from BlizzBots and will be postponed ALAP. Mark my words.